Title: Angels Overheard (Across 5,936 miles)
Pairings: Kamenashi Kazuya/Ueda Tatsuya
Rating: PG
Genre: angst, fluff (I think?)
Foreword: Canon slight AU
Disclaimer: I own them. And toilets fly.
Word Count: 5.4K
Summary: A confession across 5,936 miles.
Notes: First fic! *gyasp* I don’t know if I got the timeline right here, it might be wrong,
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Comments 30
I'm really glad you like it ♥
and this fic is lovely...
keep on writing, ok :)
Thank you!
I'm glad you enjoyed it <3
I'll try to keep on writing, and thanks for the wonderful encouragement *everyone* ♥ college ihatechu so much now
Poor Uepi being all the way in London but going through all those emotions around Kame! ♥
But a drunk Kame is so cute! and very clever Kame! ^_^
and trust Kame to remember about the going to a restaurant and confessing ^_^
but YAY! ♥ Tat-chan went shy! ^_^
and congratulations on you first fic! and such a beautiful first fic too!♥ xxx
I rather liked writing him even though my bias should be Kame asjflashfakd; Kame *____* it kinda fluctuates between him and Tat-chan. orz Having biases are hard. I just the bias tag float around and randomly land anywhere it chooses to now >.>.....<.<....>.> it's too hard to keep just one bias ♥
lol and I believe I just rambled
Thanks for reading this ♥ ♥ ♥
It's so adorable and Ueda and Kame re both perfect in it. I love the mentions of Kame's perfectionism and insecurites and all of Ueda's pride and annoyance.
Super fic and I'd l;ove to read more from you :)
Congrates on a brilliant first fic :)
Thank you for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed it ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I didn't realise KameDa became so popular since 2009 ;A; this is what happens when you decide to do these things so late. *Hits self* I'm so out of the loop.... ;__;
I noticed for years that it was really quiet, so I'm happy that more people started coming out and writing more. There was a KameDa community a few years ago, but it died and closed down. I was debating for a year or so after that wheather or not I should start one, but I'm glad I did because KameDa is becoming more popular again ^.^
Thanks for the community mention Dori... now you reminded me to update it!!!
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