I... wasn't that impressed with last night's episode. I actually felt a bit of dread when I saw the written by Moffatt credit because I've grown to really, really dislike the episodes that he writes, and the evil spirit/woman comment that was made at the start of the ep just added to that.
I thought Clara was much more intriguing as a Dalek and as a Victorian governess than she was in this ep. I was hoping that we'd have something different to the spunky, attractive young white girl with attitude (there's a reason Donna is my favourite companion) and there seemed to be more of that in the previous episodes with Clara in than with this one. I didn't buy her as a friend of the family/nanny either, especially one who's 24 and doesn't know how to connect to the wi-fi (and if she'd been living there a year surely she'd have already been connected?). I did get really excited when I thought she was in a relationship with the dad because Who under Moffatt has been very white and straight, but then that was clarified pretty quickly :\
I wasn't entirely sure about the concept behind the episode either. It was kind of interesting the idea that the wi-fi was downloading people, but it felt very technophobic after a while, rather than a plot device, and that annoyed me. I actually missed the 'joke' that Clara made about Twitter, though I did catch the comment the Doctor made. It doesn't surprise me that Moffatt is still going on about the Twitterati!
I quite liked the promo for next week, though I think I got a bit caught up in the more SF nature of it rather than actually listening to what the content of the episode would be. I guess for me it was an okay start to the new series. I hope it gets better.