I'm just saying

Jun 06, 2005 11:31

Hey what's up kids? I hope all you guys and gals are doing good. I'm here yet again at work doing nothing. Actually, my supervisor saw me on my cell again, and made me go take out all the trash and recycle bins outside....oh well...gave me something to do for a few minutes. Anyways, the two job thing is kinda killing me, but I'm getting 2 paychecks ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

anonymous June 7 2005, 22:58:37 UTC
"I'm just saying.... I love it!!!!"

-you know-


Hello anonymous June 8 2005, 17:48:21 UTC
hey art its renee from oratory. just wanted to hi hope you have a good day


... memari June 13 2005, 04:19:16 UTC
haha. I need to ask yoU something. I didn't get a chance at the meeting. nothing dier, I'm just curious. and thank yoU so much for talking me thru saturday. I needed it. yoU are the ultimate dr. phil. lol. love-a ya. lates and beware... ~C.C.


nekok June 13 2005, 14:50:44 UTC
la, what is you other job?


memoryroad June 13 2005, 15:21:40 UTC
well I work at Fort Bliss and I work at the Holy Spirit Bookstore.


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