Eros!Dean and Psyche!Sam. I really hope you all like it.
Title: Body & Soul
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17 overall
Wordcount: 37,098
Disclaimer: Not mine. Neither Sam nor Dean. Eros nor Psyche. And all the other stuff I made up. See notes for my sources.
Summary: A long, winding story about love, sex, food, archery, and a three-headed puppy who likes to eat cake. Also, something about the immortality of the soul.
Dedication: To
dark_reaction for her patience, amazingly fast beta and just being effing wonderful. I love my twinchester, and this was written for her. ♥ x 1,000,000
Part 1 ||
Part 2 ||
Part 3 ||
Part 4 ||
Part 5 ||
Epilogue Art by
Dean and Sam take flight ||
Sam and Lysias Name Explanantions:
Ventuscastra - Yeah, I actually came up with a Latin form of Winchester, because I'm INSANE. I started with "chester" which means "camp" and that translates to "castra". I couldn't find a good word for "win" so I used "wind". Wind-chester = Ventus-castra. Thus the method in my madness.
Ioannis - The ancient Greek form of the Hebraic John.
Lysias - An orator mentioned in Plato's Phaedrus, Socrates spends the entirety of the dialogue picking apart a speech Lysias gave on pederastic love.
Volupta - or "Bliss" was the name of Eros and Psyche's daughter.
Anteros - In the myths, Anteros was Eros' brother, given to him because he was without a playmate. He is the god of answered love. I decided I like him better as a little pet Junebug.
Satyr-faced guy & the headmaster of the Academy - Socrates was famously described as a satyr by Alcibides in the Symposium, a dialogue on love. The headmaster is Plato. Thus, I have set this story sometime around 400 BCE.
D'Auliere's Book of Greek Myths
Joanna Cole, Best-Loved Folktales of the World
The Iliad
The Odyssey
Cooper, et al, Completed Works of Plato: Phaedrus, Symposium, The Republic, Lysis, The Gorgias, The Protagoras, The Apology, The Phaedo
Bloom, The Republic
Aeschylus, The Oresteia
Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
William Shakespeare, Macbeth
Friedrich Nietzsche, Birth of Tragedy
Jeanette Winterson, Weight
Margaret Atwood, The Penelopiad
Charles Dickens, Bleak House
Wikipedia on various types of nymphs And many, many hours wasted watching Hercules and Xena. I know, I know.
(This list will update as I have the patience to footnote things.)
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