Well, the BBC has to try think up 100 different books so they can make normal people feel stupid! That's gotta be pretty hard.
I've only read 18 on the list, but again, if we're being technical, #4 is SEVEN books, #9 is a trilogy with 2 short tie-ins, #33 is again SEVEN books, and #90? Another trilogy.
Either way, I've beaten their expectations, even WITH the attention span of a...a... you know those flies that kinda just bounce around making triangles in the air like they can't decide where they wanna go? Like one o' them.
Comments 10
Also it meantions shakespeare - all his works then later 1 of his works? >_> Silly time wasting memes.
I've only read 18 on the list, but again, if we're being technical, #4 is SEVEN books, #9 is a trilogy with 2 short tie-ins, #33 is again SEVEN books, and #90? Another trilogy.
Either way, I've beaten their expectations, even WITH the attention span of a...a... you know those flies that kinda just bounce around making triangles in the air like they can't decide where they wanna go? Like one o' them.
I am proud of my result O_O
I forget how much I read, as I mainly read whilst travelling.
Shows how much time I waist on trains XD
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