OK, all I have to say is AAHHHHHHH!!!!
Oh yeah. And
I want Chloe to be alive. I've never really liked the Chloe=Lois thing, because it just really messes up the dynamic where Clark shows up at the Daily Planet and Lois treats him like scum. But next to her death....
I can take being Clark being treated like scum! Or she could have amnesia, and have completely forgotten Clark except for vague memories of a gorgeous guy with a savior complex. This would naturally resolve into a subconscious recognition of Superman.
I'm not worried about Lex, as I have just enough faith in the writers not to give him a personality transplant (Lionel becoming Lex, etc) when they've already done such a great job gently turning Lex evil already.
As for Clark in this episode, I liked how he explained why he'd kept Lionel's actions from Lex to Lex.
I actually almost wish I didn't already know about the room, since the fact that I do know, means I can't properly judge Clark's reaction since for me it's old news. I wish he had let Lex explain (like Lex had let Clark explain earlier), but I think he had Kara's words about betrayal ringing in his ears at time, and reacted stronger than he might have otherwise.
I did love the fact that there was a new giant picture of Clark (besides the blown up mug shot) where he's leaning against a fence or something and looking absolutely gorgeous.
And I still want to know what symbol was being burned out in the fields, but I suppose I'll have to wait for S4 for that.