First off...
I was right! Hermione was born in 1979 and is the oldest of the Trio. *is extremely happy over this being answered*
I was wrong about MWPP not calling themselves Marauders, right about Arabella Figg not being able to see Dementors (although I've read at least one comment that suggested that this meant that AF didn't get there in time to see them. Not that she wasn't able to see them. *boggles*), and I wasn't even aware there was a serious Neville/Luna ship (I am so out of touch with HP fandom).
In the FAQ poll, I voted for the Neville question, which has such a strong lead I'm not worried about one of the other questions catching up. I did read someone saying we should vote for one of the other questions since the answer to the Neville would probably be "You'll find out in HBP" or the like. That's unlikely, as then, IMNSHO, JKR wouldn't have posted it as a question in the first place. It's not like in a chat where Jo has to refuse to answer some questions for the sake of what's coming. Here, Jo is the one choosing the questions, and while some of them are duds (ANSWER: There is no significance to Neville being the other prophecy boy. It could have been Ron, Dean, or Draco Malfoy. Suckers!), it would be cheating to put out a question she wouldn't be able to answer.
I'm hoping that the reference to her baby racing the book means that we can expect the 6th book sometime around next year. I find the information about the wands cool (*is a Trio shipper*), although I'm hardly the first to point out that Ron's wand is willow, not ash. I'm not going to really worry about that, even if she says Ron's wand is ash in HBP (hey, maybe Ron wasn't paying attention), just like I'm not going to waste a second's time trying to figure out Hogwarts student population. I'm pretty sure JKR doesn't know, and it's not one of my driving concerns.
In other news, I just got back from seeing The Incredibles, which I enjoyed. It also left me excited for Episode III to come out, and I'll probably have to see Madagascar too.