well my christmas eve was pretty interesting if you dont mind me sayin
it consisted of goooooooood homecookin, looking back at when i was a little kid, being with my best friends and my boyfriend, oh, and getting in *trouble:/
*trouble-see what happened was that i decided to go out with ren and lauren and benny on a little night walk and i guess none of our parents knew so they worried and went around downtown bellevue lookin for us, but they found us and my dad was mad like a dad, but surprisingly they blew it off easy shmeezy
anyhow, benny and ren are such cute kids, they came in suits, and they took in all the persian dancing you could imagine. they even joined the little dance circle, and were clappin and snappin and yellin and singing,and wavin napkins around. it was cute to see them be so willing ;)
^^looking sharp kids, lookin sharp ^^im the only one thats not in black and is giving a thumbs up:)
hmm well christmas A.M.
i got:
-a puma jacket, sweatpants, socks, a sweater,pj pants, and a long sleeves shirt that looks like it has a drawn jim morisson on it
-$50/ $15 gift certificate to barnes and nobles
-some sweet homemade earrings from my sister
-the graffiti world book(!!!!!!!)
-and my favorite gift of all, this cute little mushroom marshmallow stuffed animal from benny, hahahah its so cute and funny looking, here let me show you
hahahahhaha in the 2nd one its looking at you, thats how cute it is:)
and his note was soooooo sweet, awww man i love benny so much, i dont care what people say, i love him so much and theres no stopping it:)
hope you all had a merry little christmas yourselves:)and and and, i am entirely greatful for my friends, my family, god, and all the lovelies in my life!