(no subject)

Nov 16, 2004 22:34


--->Name On Birth Certificate? Clara Alysse Alspaugh 
--->Nicknames? I'm sure there's a few, Whatever people feel like calling me. What about 'Hey You'?
--->Any other names you might have? Malibu, Don't even ask. 
--->Would you change your name? Nah, 'Cause then I wouldn't be Clara.
--->If So, what would you change it to? I wouldn't change it.

--->Where do you live? Corpus Christi.
--->Where have you lived? Here.
--->Where would you like to live? Here. Sad, But true. 
--->Where are you glad you don't live? A few places.

--->Hobbies? Hanging out and straight up chillen.

--->What do you think is your best feature? My green eyes? Hell, I don't know. 
--->What do you think is your worst feature? Dude, My hair when it ISN'T straight.
--->Do you like your personality? Hell yeah.
--->Do others like your personality? Pretty sure.
--->Do you think your funny? They don't call me Clara for nothing.
--->Do others think you funny? Sure.
--->Do you like your family? At times.

Have you ever...
--->Had a serious illness? Yeah.

--->Been happy about someone’s death? Damn, That's just wrong. 
--->Killed an animal? Well, I assisted and I didn't say I was proud of it. Me, Andie and Craig were all in on that one.. So was the dog.
--->Had sex? Virgin here. 
--->Been sexually attracted to a cartoon character? That'd be kinda weird. I love Ferris Bueller though.
--->Caused a riot? No, I just like to make a scene.
--->Taken part in a riot? Who knows.
--->Eaten a bug? Isn't that the thing to do when you're two?
--->Been on stage? Yeah. Dare all the way baby!!
--->Joined a gang? Do I look like someone who would be in a gang? The word 'represent' isn't in my vocabulary.
--->Been mentally disturbed? Does that mean like crazy? Hell no. 
--->Stolen? Shopping carts and other random things? Yes.
--->Used someone? Sad to say, Yes.
--->Wished to die? Not exactly. Just wished I wasn't me at times.
--->Questioned God's existence? Sometimes, But I know he's always there. 
--->Taken pills? Aspirin.

For a billion dollars would you...
--->Kill your parents? No.
--->Eat an ant farm? For a billion dollars? Probably. 
--->Have same gender sex? Gross.
--->Kill your best friend? At times I WANT to kill Molly, But I would NEVER follow through with it. 
--->Hold up a convenience store? No, Because then if you got a rested.. There goes your money as well.
--->Shoot yourself in the leg? I try to avoid pain.
--->Eat another person? Who thinks up these questions?
--->Jump off a three story building? Yeah. I've already done a two story.. Why not go a little higher?
--->Walk naked in a mall? Sure.
--->Shave your head? Ah, Hell.
--->Drink human blood? Sick.
--->Box with a kangaroo? Yeah, Even though I'd get my ass kicked. 
--->Kill the president? I like Bush. And even if I wanted to the C.I.A. would be on my ass like white on rice.. So that'd be a no.
--->Slap an old person? Yeah.
--->Eat a booger? I probably did it when I was little, What's a couple more years?
--->Strip for Osama Bin Laden? Nah, He'd probably rape me.. Being alone in a cave for some time does things to you, I'm sure.

My Favorite...
--->Letter? C for Clara. 
--->Color? Green.. And pink. 
--->Number? I wonder..
--->Word? I have lots.
--->Movie? I have like five but most definately "Ferris Bueller's Day Off".
--->Rapper? Lil' Flip.
--->Pop group? Everyone has their favorites, They are just too embarrassed to say.
--->Punk rock group? Too many.
--->Singer? Dang. I don't know.
--->Shape? Heart.
--->Person? Don't want to say. 
--->Relative? My Aunt Hee-Hee. 
--->CD? Right now? Thursday - Full Collapse.. All old school.
--->TV Show? Anything practically.
--->Movie Soundtrack? I don't usually listen to those.

--->Channel? MTV.
--->Parent? I don't know.. My dad is pretty bad ass. I don't see him enough.
--->Restaurant? P.O.E.T.S. Erin knows what I'm talking about.
--->Drink? Dr. Pepper and Code Red Mountain Dew. Mmm.
--->Food? Fruit cups. Cucumbers, Salt, Lime, and Chile. Damn, That's good.
--->Snack? Sour Cream and Onion Ritz Chips.
--->Season? Winter.
--->Sport? Basketball.
--->Smell? Abercrombie and Fitch Now.

Last person you...
--->Kissed? Hmm.
--->Hugged? It's been awhile. 
--->Licked? I don't lick people.. Usually. Haha. That's for dogs.
--->Ate? I pass on people.
--->Cursed out? No clue. 
--->Intentionally hurt? I hope no one. 
--->Punched? Probably Wesley, You can't NOT hit him.
--->Loved? Hmm.
--->Killed? Sorry, My records clean.
--->Danced with? The mirror.
--->Liked? Well.. 
--->Cried with? I cry alone. 
--->Fought with? Physically?
--->Talked with? I talk to more than one person. 
--->Laughed with? My mom, How cool am I?
--->Made bleed? The cabinet made me bleed last night. What the hell are you doing? Wham.
--->Cuddled with? I miss cuddling.
--->Ate with? My mom.
--->Hung out with? Kim.
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