One of mine is fan fiction that includes the misspelling of a character's name. This really bugs me.
So, in the interest of ... pet peeves .... I took a few minutes to make a list of the correct way to spell Btvs/Ats characters' names. (Yes, I know there are sources I could link instead but I was motivated.)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer )
Comments 33
Point is, it turned out to be an amazing WIP with so much going for it, yet I came so close to passing it by. And I can't even recommend it, because it screams out for the need of a beta.
Such a shame.
And yeah, it is a shame.
What fic are you talking about, sweetie?
Clem is short for Clement, and I can't think of any time anyone has called Spike "Will." I've heard "Willy," but not "Will."
The only name I've ever had trouble with is Anya's second middle name. I've seen Emanuella (or Emmanuella?) spelled with one or two ms at different generally reputable sources. Do you know that one m is official?
Thanks for doing this, it's awesome.
'm the Missis (looks at engagement ring)
I will be his Missis.
Mrs. Anya Christina Emanuella Jenkins Harris. (twirling, dancing)
Thanks for reminding me about Clem; I'd totally forgotten that.
Major Villians Oopsie. One of my pet peeves ;)
Yes, Lorne did-I'll edit that in later. :)
And let me take this opporunity to mention how much I loathed Delia as a 'pet name', especially if it was 'Angel' using it. It thankfully does not happen to often these days but when I was first delving into C/A fanfic (and unC/A fanfic), back in the olden days, Delia was way too present for my nit-picking peace of mind.
LOL! Thank you so much for mentioning that. I'm so editing that in.
And I never knew Spike had a surname lol. I feel informed. :)
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