Oh, hell, why not? It's an update!

Jun 13, 2007 09:32

*gasp* Can it be?!? A real update?!?

Yes, ladies, gentlemen, and "other!" It can!

Before my life story, though, I want to mention that Mr. Wizard, Don Herbert, died yesterday. Mr. Wizard's World was always cool to me (and, IIRC, my sister) when I was a kid. He will be missed.

Now that we're past that bit of news, let's get on to me.

I'm having a great time at work. It's busy and, sometimes, hectic, but I'm learning a lot and enjoying it. The guys I'm working with are great, and my boss is pretty cool. It's scary to realize I'm making suggestions that will cost us hundreds of thousands of dollars, and my opinions are being listened to.

House is doing good. Finally RTFM on my weed whacker, so I nicely cleaned up the retaining wall and around Hunter's basketball hoop. Seriously, those areas had a good-sized forest of grass and weeds growing up around them.

luthiena is doing better, I think. The meds have gotten out of her system that she's not nauseous 24/7, at least. I love her, and hope she gets better soon. At least she's not in constant pain from the fibro now.

Get to see friends fairly regularly, even for non-gaming events. ;) With my schedule being "normal" (8-5), and an hour+ drive both ways, I'm glad that we're able to meet up with people at all.

Speaking of gaming, I'm really enjoying our return to David's campaign world. We were short a couple of people last session, so we just did a little side adventure. Nothing like 42 undead at once to liven up the day. Also, my dead tree edition of Star Wars Saga Edition came in, so I get to start gearing up my game to go again. I like the new rules; it'll definitely make for a far less "crunchy" game. At least, once we get used to the differences and get moving, I hope.

WoW stuff (feel free to skip this paragraph, and the one after it, if you're not interested). Jarob (formerly Yoric) dinged 70 a couple of weeks ago. Been doing quests for cash, rep, and fabulous prizes since then. I love my new guild. Everyone's been great, and they're all helping out getting less "up there" players geared up by doing LOTS of instances. I think I've done more high-level stuff in the past month than I did in the year+ I've played WoW. Ofc, they're still the 5-man instances. Still haven't done a raid yet. Soon, I hope.

I really like the daily quests. The bombing in Skettis is not too bad, and a really easy 12G. I opened up two dailies in Ogri'la yesterday, though. Playing freakin' SIMON?!? Are you kidding me? Oh, well, again, easy cash. But the bombing run there is awesome! Dodging anti-aircraft (well, griffon, anyway) cannons while trying to lob bombs off of said griffon? Total blast (no pun intended... really!). Probably my favorite quest ever in the game.

Okay, WoW time over, you can start reading again.

Man, this is getting long. Guess that happens when your boss goes out of town, and you're waiting for programs to finish installing on your machine so you can actually work.

Haven't seen much by way of movies for a while. Caught Ghost Dog on cable the other day. It was pretty cool; I'd been wanting to see it for a while, and I'm glad I finally did. I won't be seeing most of the "summer blockbusters" until DVD or so, but I'm hoping to see Transformers and/or Harry Potter in the theater with Hunter and luthiena.

Hmm... can't think of anything else to ramble on about, so I guess I'll let you go. C ya!
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