My friend Joan-who-does-not-have-an-LJ has made a great post about Mensa in her blog, BunsOfStrudel.
If you've never been to a Regional Gathering and wonder what it's like,
read her post about "the last socially smelly sock at the bottom of my nerd hamper", Mensa membership!
Comments 14
i'm pretty much likely to be on that mythical fishing trip, but without the fan-girl gush for mensa-specific socials.
i'm one of the lucky ones: my support group(s) exist outside of the mensa label. i joined mensa mostly to satisfy my own curiosity. i already knew i could get in, i just wondered if i "needed" to meet more smart people. i didn't.
all in all, smart people (like all subgroups) are still people with all the same kinds of smoothness and all the same kinds of lumpy parts.
I've asked a few members what the meetings are like. As I suspected, there was a lot of theological and political debate. While I can almost forgive the trite, tiring, unoriginal wash of textbook regurgitation of the former, the latter in my opinion is a topic of interest only among fools and pseudo intellectuals. (Whether those groups are disjoint is up to you).
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