Separation of church and state
January 8 2006, 15:52:13 UTC
You might actually want to spend the time to read the Declaration of Independence. There is no "separation of church and state" mentioned. Then read the Constitution. That's what you are mistakenly referring to. But, again, no "separation of church and state" as you seem to see it. It states that Congress shall make no law establishing any religion or pass any law restricting the free practice of religion. As long as congress does not pass a law requiring you to belong to a particular religion or establishes a law preventing you from observing your own religion, the constitution has not been violated. Indeed, your miscomprehension of the constitution, along with radical judges establishing a non-constitutional "separation of church and state", is a violation of the constitution. The problem with liberal secular progressives such as yourself, is that you warp the constitution to promote your warped morals and values and do not tolerate anyone who has different, yet constitutionally protected rights. I'm always amazed that the
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i do understand that no where in the declaration or the constitution is seperation of church and state mentioned but in the past there was a political fight for seperation of church and state. and i understand but i dont want to debate about my opinions with someonehow wont even tell me who they are. and since i am going to guess that you do not know me then please refrain from trashing my opinions. i am not here to trash america but i am here to voice my opinion because i have the right. fuck your cconservitave ways and thank you for your input.
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love lauren
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