Yeah it's been a while since I've posted. But just close-to-1am ramblings about tumblr here. Under the cut. Not pretty so seriously just scroll away if you don't want to see it. I may regret this later but damn it all.
I will probably NEVER get my own tumblr blog unless I gain the ability to draw, and maybe not even then. Probably only the siren calls of advertising would get me to join I guess because in such a universe I'd probably try my hand at webcomics.
(Note: this is rather unlikely).
Just lurking on tumblr itself is enough for me to despair for humanity sometimes. And hell most of my fandom interaction is livejournal or fandom secrets based. That's kind of saying something.
But still I continue to lurk. And even occasionally send (nice) anon messages to those parts I do in fact like. For the pretty and the activity I'll still go to it and then be trapped there for hours against my better judgement. Tumblr is like a really hot person who is great in bed and yet also can be the most vile person imaginable.
It's a pretty messed up relationship. But hell at least it's honest.