Title: Bloodless Bonds
robothor1111 - WeBuiltThePyramids at FF.net
watchyouwalk, who did such a great job!
SargeantFuzzy88 who I appreciate for helping me put the finishing touches on it! And for providing the title.
Link to art:
http://mean-every-word.livejournal.com/1278.htmlWord Count: 10,000
Rating: T
Summary: After Red John is killed, Lisbon must convince Jane that quitting the CBI is not his next move. Includes flashbacks to the final confrontation with Red John.
Spoilers: Season four spoilers lie within.
Disclaimer: I wish I owned it. Sadly, I don't.
I posted chapter links at the end of each chapter, but they aren't working at the moment, so I'm posting links to each chapter here, I'll try to get the in - the - chapter links to work. Or you can click on the Fanfiction.net link, it'll take you to that site where the chapters all line up. :)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7716812/1/Bloodless_Bonds http://robothor1111.livejournal.com/59300.htmlhttp://robothor1111.livejournal.com/59425.htmlhttp://robothor1111.livejournal.com/59889.htmlhttp://robothor1111.livejournal.com/60136.htmlhttp://robothor1111.livejournal.com/60364.htmlhttp://robothor1111.livejournal.com/60440.htmlhttp://robothor1111.livejournal.com/60838.htmlhttp://robothor1111.livejournal.com/60937.htmlhttp://robothor1111.livejournal.com/61311.html