I got the papers from the traveling agency about my trip to Japan, yesterday. Almost immediately I got nervous. Really, I shouldn't be. It's not like I'm going alone, like
naye who is also going to stay for six months. I'll just stay for two weeks, and I'm with a tourist group with a Swedish guide to take care of me. (I traveled more by myself the last
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Comments 13
Lol åt den där "biljetten". Vilken idiot hittade på det? ;)
Om du kunde hitta en vit PS3-handkontroll där i Japan hade det varit toppen! ;) Om den inte är för dyr. Jag är rädd att handkontroller man köper här i Sverige är mycket dyrare, men jag vet inte. Hade varit gött att ha en vit, i alla fall.
Som rzyna skrev i en kommentar till mitt inlägg så ska man kunna göra själva incheckningen vid en liten terminal, men man måste fortfarande stå i kö för att lämna in bagaget. Vi gjorde faktiskt det när vi var i Paris, pappa och jag, och det var en röra! Då vi checkade in elektroniskt fick vi ( ... )
Of course you'll have a good time! It's Japan!
I will. ^_^
Oh, that would have been wonderful if you could have come with me! How fun we would have had! I'm very excited and happy over being able to do this trip.
Thanks for the links. I hadn't been on those sites, and it's nice to see different descriptions.
Oh, yes, someday we must meet in RL! In Japan would be a lot of fun, but otherwise elsewhere. I have got an e-mail from xparrot and she said we could probably see each other on Sunday/Monday because that's their days off. I'm so looking forward to meet them. I need to send them more e-mails so we can figure out where and when to meet, and preferably a way to be in contact in case somethings come up that hinder our plans ( ... )
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