(no subject)

Aug 08, 2005 22:04

distance means so little when
the person means so much

*"It's just something that happens. As you grow up, you realize it's less
important to have more friends- and more important to have real ones."*

-A little jealousy in a relationship is healthy. It's always nice to know that someone's afraid to lose you-

words can`t [begin] to describe how much you mean to me.

*you find that one you have longed for and suddenly anything is possible.."

*Kissing is a means of getting two people so close together that they can't see anything wrong with each other*

i don't care about being your first,
i only care about being your last. <3
*I feel beautiful because he thinks I am. And I love him more everyday because he's not scared to tell me so.*  
~do you ever put your arms out and just spin
and spin and spin? well that's what love is like;
everything in your head is telling you to stop
before you fall, but for some reason you keep going~

*i think when you fall in love with
someone, every single day you spend with
them you fall in love even more. it's like
you find something else to love about
them everyday. the way they laugh, the
way they sneeze, the way they blink. i
think that's how relationship's last,
when thing's are exciting.*

-from the first time i saw you
i wanted you. and i still do.-

-there's only one thing i'm really scared of.
and that's you finally realizing how great
you are, and that you deserve better than
me, and then,, you're gonna leave me.-

*I know that I miss you
when I sit on my bedroom floor
with tears rolling down my cheeks
for absolutely no reason at all*

*there's nothing scarier than getting what you want,
'cause that's when you really have something to lose.*

*It's hard to believe I've walked these halls for the past four years. Most of the people that have passed me every day I don't even know. Those I do know and know well are friends I will have forever. A life lesson: you will pass many in your travels and only a select few you will truly know. Don't judge those you only pass respect those you do know."

*There are some things from our high school experiences that we will carry with us for the rest of our lives and some memories that we chose to forget. But when we look back at those experiences, we'll see our friends, the ones who got us through everything, and we'll realize how lucky we are to have them. *

"Remember when..
ollie ollie oxen free meant something,
getting high meant swinging at the playground,
the worst thing you could get from boys were cooties,
mom was your hero & dad was the boy you were going to marry,
your worst enemies were your siblings,
race issues were who ran the fastest,
and war was a card game.
Life was simple and care free,
but what I remember most was..
wanting to grow up."

♥ ♥ ♥

"Everyday I fall faster and everyday I get more scared. I swore I'd never let myself become that hurt again. So promise me you won't."

It's sad to see two close people not really know or recognize each other anymore...not because they grew up, but because they grew apart

When the broken hearts are mended and the many tears are dried, you learn. When you're over the old boyfriends and the old girlfriends and you realize that you can live without your first love, you learn. You see that the world doesn't end just because you think it will, and that sometimes growing up means letting go. You learn what real love is, and you begin to see that one friend who really cares is better than a hundred friends who don't. You learn that you can be strong, take each day step-by-step, and survive every sad moment. So feel the pain and cry the tears, go out and experience life. But when you're at the end of your rope, and you're ready to jump off that ledge, remember that heartaches fades, pain subsides, and though life seems at times too tough to handle, it's also too precious a gift to waste. Keep on living, never give up, and remember: As you grow, you learn.

I made up a quote in here. Who can guess which one it is?
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