I just came back from seeing Troy, and I'm rather disappointed...>< and it had so much potential, too!
The beginning started off somewhat shaky, though that might have just been because I heard my brother say he was disapointed in it, so I was viewing it with a critical eye. But, I thought the movie really began to pick up, and I really liked it. The whole time I was thinking, "wow! This is a great movie, how could Eamonn have not liked it?".
Then the end came. WTF? There were -way- to many holes in the story. I'm not familiar with The Iliad (though I think I'm supposed to be from 8th grade english...), so I'm not sure how exactly the story was supposed to go, but still. It left me hanging. Why did Paris, Orlando Bloom's character, just take off like that after he killed Achilles? Didn't he just tell Helen he wouldn't leave the city?? That really annoyed me. He should have finally proved himself and gone and tried to kill the king of the Greeks, and died trying (to emphasize the whole tragedy-of-war theme). And what about Helen, Pricillus and Hector's wife? They just kind of...well, left. We should have seen something happen there, too. Its like the writers just couldnt think of anyway to finish the story, so they just stopped.
*sigh* I'm really quite sad about it. They had such a good movie going, but ruined it at the end. I think thats even more aggravating than just a plain bad movie. It had so many good actors that i like, and it was very well done! But then it just died! >__< augh, I'm annoyed.
It wouldnt have been alot better if they'd ended it like Shakespeare ends his tragedies; everyone dies. Paris dies trying to avenge his brother/father, and Helen kills herself in grief over her lost Paris and guilt for starting the war. Hector's wife should have lived on since she had the child to look after, and I could go wither way with Pricillus. Wouldn't that have been better, though? It would have made a much stronger tragedy that way.
But nooo, they had to go ruin it. >< I should be writing these movies, man...
*siiiigh* But, oh well. I should really stop ranting about it. I just needed to vent that. And also that people are stupid! The annoying bitch behind me kept making the stupidest of comments. Yes, we all know about the Trojan horse and Achilles heel, no one needs to hear your amaazing wisdom on it! >< I cant stand it when people talk in movies! And the dude! with her! Oh my GOD did he smell!! What the fuck, Im pretty sure deodorant isn't some newfangled technology, sir. You should really learn to use it sometime!!
And then the OTHER chick! Who had an entire conversation on her cell phone in the middle of the movie!! What the HELL???
...People need to stop being so dumb. I mean honestly. Come ooon. >___< And now I'm all pissy. Arr.
Seeing Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom half naked was some consolation, though.