MMOAD: Mass Mega Organized Art Dumpage

Sep 29, 2006 12:17

seriously tho, there's.. -thinks- ..well, i've got several in here. if you're wandered over here from my deviantART page, then you've seen these in both my main gallery and my scraps gallery. and to be consistnat with my unorignality, i'm going to copy+paste my descriptions from devART too :D

yay for me xD

oh yeah, i figured i'd organize this by size instead of groupings. thought it might be easier -shrug- oh! and mass scrollage here, i'm sorry :(

i cropped this cuz the rest of the body was horrible, but i've always loved the profile of her. this is kah darkblood, one of my star wars fan chars and a dark jedi to boot :D

another pen doodle. this time it's a gnome warrior i had on the TB server who just didn't make it. she's Andee, and i loved drawing her as long and lanky even tho she's a gnome :) this is her after taking a good punch to the face, standing back up ready to dish out some hurt >:D

this is my D&D character Poe. she's a changling and Simari there is her main personality, an exotic human... not that you can tell much from the pen :P

ah, one of those "shit, i'm an hour early for class?!" doodles. this here is dirtyk.. my "fursona". i haven't done anthro art in a long time, and i've been working on a design for a human version of dirtyk, but i liked this. she was going to be perched on a tree branch but then the hallway flooded with people and i realized it was indeed time for class, so i quickly finished her other leg and called it done

a full body drawing of Poe and Simari this time. made it for the DM since i wasn't going to be able to be there for her unveiling :( Poe is about 5'6 and Simari's only 5'2, so it was fun to draw them together. yes i know you can see the skull shape thru Poe's hair.. i don't care. it's not a finished piece and prolly won't be :P

geist being anything other then stereotypical her :D to explain: geist is meek and shy and mousy and would never even dream of being in this kind of pose that undressed. but i love pinups and i really liked the way it came out, so i left her in just her open shirt. hell, if i have a picture of robbie of all people half naked then she should get one too! xD oh, and yes this is done. i know it's sketchy and the hands are pretty much nonexistant blobs, but i love the way it looks.. the sketchy pencil makes it softer. it will not be colored, not even digitally. this is final

i do call myself a horde chick, yet i think i have more doodles of old alliance characters that've been deleted for months... another one of Andee, this time on my friend's druid Asztara. i know in bear form she'd be much huger when compared to a gnome, but i did this in sharpy.. there was no sketching. there was no time xD

-shrug- dunno, this is just something i quickly sketched up in my artbook, but i really like it. i imagine her in a big backyard with slightly overgrown grass and flowers everywhere, smiling in the sunshine...

another pen doodle of Simari, trying to figure out her bar wench outfit :) i like the idea of it, but it wasn't what i was picturing... except of course her corset of charisma +2 >:}

this was actually something that was just going to be a basic idea sketch with my pen, but i liked it enough that i kept going. some WoW art of chars that don't exist anymore on the server they were on. the gnome warrior is Andee Baradeeni, the Kneebiter and the dwarf paladin is Morrygann the Chaste & Pure (only on Sundays). i like playing gnomes because they're these tiny little creatures with mass amounts of power, esp. the warriors :D and my love of dwarves stems from the mere joy of RPing them :D yes, fear my nerdiness xD otherwise i'm horde all the way i swear!

-breaths- on the train to NV i got a call from my brother and he was in tears. he doesn't cry often, and not like this since he was a child. it demolished me just listening to it. i was sitting there crying my eyes out just hearing him over my crappy cell phone... and then it hit me: i'm on a train to NV. i'm at the halfway point. i shouldn't have come. so i drew this, me holding him crying. as his older sister i felt i should've been home for that, but when i called when i touched down all was ok and he ended up being fine. still.. it broke my heart

another "early for class" doodle. this is carmena nd viktor and i'm semi pleased with this. everything turned out how i pictured it except her. and i can't put my thumb on it... but there's something about her that gets me, and that makes me sad. my fav are their faces, and YES! i draw big asses on EVERYBODY!!! no one's safe!! and i know the legs are too long.. blah blah blah i like it and it's final mainly cuz it's in pen and you can't go back and erase that
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