Ugh. Prongs wants to get married. MARRIED. Honestly, has he gone completely mental? We just got of school, just got used to not having to worry about the latest Potions assignment or Quidditch score. And all of a sudden he wants to be settled down? With a wife to worry about? There's a war on, a wife is the last thing I'd want to be worrying about!
Don't get me wrong, Lily's great. And I'm happy he's got someone, I just...UGH. WHY. There's too much other stuff going on! What if she dies? What if HE dies? What then? They've got nothing, that's what.
Besides, everything's going to change. We're supposed to be a team, the Marauders. TOGETHER. And now he wants to just run off and leave me and Remus and Sirius for some BIRD.
Anyway, I've got my own stuff to deal with. Like Snape. It's this stupid war, it's making everybody bloody MAD. But if it keeps my friends safe, then it'll all be worth it.
Right? I don't know WHAT to think anymore, it's been so hard to concentrate on anything.
So. Here's this thing, I was quite sure I'd lost it. How're all you lot, then?