Rather long rant about the crappy night I had....
Last night was maybe one of the crappiest nights I have ever had while living with the boys....
I was in a great mood, I went to the bar with them, left before midnight....
Let's start with the bar.
It's me JP Wombat and John and some other people just hanging out. So John, JP and myself start to talk about the recent Doctor Who specials. Yay! Normally pretty awesome because I feel confidant enough to share opinions and really follow what's going on when we talk about DW. As opposed to when they start talking about very obtuse comic book things.
During the entire conversation, and after, I was not allowed to make my opinion known if it was longer than 2 seconds. I was immediately talked over by JOHN or JP when I was in the middle of a thought.
Never, in the time that we've all been friends have I felt more like the token girl in the group. And yeah there's jokes all the time and what not but I seriously felt like my opinion wasn't worth shit. The rest of the night till I left it was like this.
If I couldn't state my opinion in a yes, no or short "sarah's funny!" joke, they didn't bother listening.
So when 11:30 rolled around I opted to go home. John's car was my ride since my lights aren't working. JP offered to buy us both a few more drinks to keep us out. I turned him down because I was already in a bad mood and have work today. John took him up on the offer. Normally not that big of a deal, I'm not one to demand he come home when I do. Tonight I kinda wanted him to to make me feel better and not this horrible running gag.
I go home. Crash out. awoken at 1:30 am by EVERYONE WE WERE WITH AT THE BAR coming to our house. There is another well known hang out house that 3/4 people who live there were with us, they could've easily left the bar for their place. which btw is ten times bigger than our tiny house.
I sent john a text to turn down the blasting Lady Gaga, which he accomplished but when JP drinks he gets TEN TIMES LOUDER WITH HIS STUPID FUCKING NASALITY VOICE.
John came to bed around 2:30, didn't notice I was awake and pissed and promptly passed out. John can sleep through anything.
The rest of the people didn't leave till 3, I was so angry by this point I couldn't fall asleep till 4.
Yeah. great way to start the new year for work.
Rant over.
Thank you.