Oh, I just adore Pavel and everything he's been through and his special apology drink for Hikaru and his coffee hat and his yearning to become a scientist! Gaila was an unexpected and absolutely glorious treat! Janice Rand is my hero here and I love, love, love, love, love her! And oh my dear Hikaru *cuddles him tightly* I am really enjoying the emotional turmoil that you're putting him through, because it's such a complicated situation and I would not respect him as much and he would not be Hikaru if he weren't torn up about this, because (in his head) I can see so clearly how he would think that he's giving up on his wife, abandoning her. Even if his head can see that he isn't, and even if his heart is aching for Pavel, Hikaru would really struggle with this. That conversation with Janice was brilliantly done. Oh, I'm loving this so much.
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