Well, i don't usually do this but... what the hell, it's funny!! XDD This post is about... ME!! Yes!! Only me and me!! XDDDD But don't worry... you'll still have a loooot of fun with this... trust me!! =___=" XDDD Ok then, here we go!!
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sayora347Interview Time
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Comments 24
*pets you* you are so nice to not step on bugs. I'm afraid that I don't like bugs that much. But I don't like stepping on them either. But that's more because of squishy yellow bug guts than because I'm nice. Ewwww.
But I like spiders!
I cut my hair too. I cut it Monday. And one side was too short. And I kept cutting, and cutting, and now it's so short I look like a boy. A boy with breasts. ;__;
Mar-chan's got a harem! Like Love Hina! Do you get lots of panty shots from them? *runs away*
When I see one, I turn into "seek and destroy" mode. And I've to see the body otherwise it's not dead for me.
But I don't hurt other animals. Only spiders. Even on photo I can't stand those freaky 8 legs things.
Well, it could have been worse. I could have been yaoiphobic. :P
LOL!! Well, no matter the reason, it's good that you don't step on them!! XDD I like spiders too!!! I used to be afraid of them but with time i overcame that phobia!! ^___^
Hahahahaha!!! Been there, done that!! XDDD Hey, look it this way, if you look like a boy at least Asami would pay attention to you now!! *runs away really fast* XDDDD
LOL!! I actually do... but it's noooothing alike at what you're imagining... =______="
*hugs* Thanks for not running away after reading this!! (the panty shots run away doesn't count ;]) XDDDD *smooches you*
I don't cut my hair. Bad hair cut with short hair that ain't good.
I talk to myself too (and to things and animals too). Since I'm little. I've always done that. It annoys my mother because she never knows when I tal to her or to something else when we're not in the same room.
I hope you won on that girl. :P
You've got that right! Good thing a) my husband kind of fixed it and b) I've got lots of hats! XDD
Thank you for passing by and reading about how crazy i am... And not runung away after that!! XDDDD *huuuugs*
Now the interview!! YAY!! XD (sorry if my questions are not that creative... ^^')
1- Which do you think it's the best day of the year and why?
2-Which is your most precious "thing" in this world and why? (by thing i'm talking of non living thing... yeah, i'm being materialist! :p)
3- Which book did you read the last or are you reading now?
4- If you have the oportunity of traveling to 3 diferent countries, which will they be and why?
5- If you could be an anime or manga charatcer, which would it be and why?
There! Hope i didn't bore you with the question!! And thanks for not running away after reading mine!! XDDD *huuuugs*
When i was little i used to go every weekend to the see... but now i live surrounded by mountains and even though i love them too i still prefeer the sea... ^___^
Sean Bean is soooooo HOT!! >____< (that's all i can think when it's about him... ^^')
I can't complaing about my life... even though i don't have the money that i would like to (XD) i do have health and a lot of love!! And of course a lot of fun too!! XDDD And YAY!! Another animal lover!! Animal are usually forget and that's wrong!! >__< So is good to know that at least a few people keep thinking of them!! *huuugs you*
Plushies ar pure LOVE!! >___< A lot of the ones i have are from when i was little!! But i can let them go!! >___Aha!! Almost being arrested?! Now i know what to ask you in the interview!! XDDD *chu* Thanks to you for passing by and for not runing away after reading this!! XDDDD Now the intervew ( ... )
and um, i have two plushies ^^' my beloved teddy bear (lil shell) and the rururka plushie ^^
lol, i talk to myself too, especially when trying to solve a problem (like "maybe i'll do this... or maybe that..." :P). lol, even when solving math problems i do it aloud XD
when i was a kid some guy scared me that he would report me to the police for entering some property illegaly ^^' i was just playing there with my brothers, but they managed to run away when they saw the adults approaching, i didn't ^^'
but that would be it :P i've never even got a speeding ticket XD
your dream house sounds so cool *__*
and lol, speaking of eifel 65, it's a good thing that the song is not "blue" ^^=
1- What is your dream profession and why?
2- Did you have an imaginary friend? In case you did, what was his name and how was it?
3- If some old and ugly guy offered you $1.000.000 to spend the night with him (with a complete service XDD) would you accept?
4- Which is your favorite day of the year and why?
5- If you could be an anime or manga character which would it be and why?
*hee hee* Now it's MY time to have fun!! *runs* XDDD
Only those two?? And is your Ruruka still sitting on top of the teddy bear? *runs* XDDDD
That's normal, i think everybody do that... or at least hope so... XDD
So you were a bad girl eh? XDD And since that young age... tsk tsk... kids today... XDDDD
I hope that some day that dream house become true!! XDDD
*hugs* Thanks for commenting and for not running awasy after reading this!! XDDD *smoooches*
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