Oct 28, 2006 09:26
the church show was a pretty good show last night. RIP dme, trip, and i got shot. but i did miss the halftime show wiht heather and i feel like a jerk. well homecoming is tonight and it should be a fun night. who is down to party after?
Oct 24, 2006 20:55
she makes me happy. can this work?
Oct 07, 2006 00:50
wasnt disapointed one bit in the new texas chainsaw movie
Oct 02, 2006 19:11
so last night was a movie of the lives of me, camble,conrad, and trev. one of the best nights that im never going to forget. hung out wiht some of my best friends out in the middle of kno where not really knoing wuts going on. it was dope as fuck
Sep 30, 2006 23:52
i dont like where im going and what im becoming
Sep 28, 2006 18:37
i hate it when u like someone but u dont kno if they like u back and u dont want to say anything casue it might ruin the friendship. fucking bust
Sep 27, 2006 16:53
today is prob the most depressed ive felt in a long time. fuck ill just smoke my life away
Sep 21, 2006 17:38
i hate hidden messages when u dont kno how someone is really feeling