Relationships & Cell Phone Contacts

Sep 28, 2017 06:48

You Might Know Larxene If: 1

Axel: She's only heard rumors he's here, but she wants revenge for him running off with Naminé and almost killing her.

Kate Bishop: Her roommate, and also the first person she ran into on campus. Doesn't seem like she'll be too hard to get along with.

Demyx: One of her "friends" in the Organization. She thinks he's pretty useless.

Remy leBeau: A teacher, spoken with over the computer network.

Naminé: The witch. Larxene wants her back--the girl is still useful. Larxene has only heard rumors that the girl is here.

Coyote Stark: The Literature teacher; she ran into him in the library and thinks he seems pretty useless.

Zexion: A "friend" in the Organization; she doesn't know him well, except that he likes to read, but they both want to get Axel back, so...

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