1. Spoon or fork when you eat ice cream and pie: fork. Better traction. I do prefer a slice of cheddar cheese though. It melts in with the appley goo and is all kinds of good.
Damn, I want pie now.
2.Number of candles on your last birthday cake: Didn't have cake, was too busy yelling at mom to stop taking pictures of me eating and at the waiter for looking at my dinners.
3. Number of pairs of shoes you have: Please don't make me count. There's a lot, and there are different categories.
4. Pets: Starr The Wonder Cat. "Wonder" as in "Wonder how he got so stupid." "Wonder how he got so lazy."
5. Natural Hair color: Strawberry Blonde. Call it red and I will bite you.
6. Body Piercing: My ears. Tongue. Almost 2 years now.
7. Eye colour: "Freakishly light" green. Whoever said that was a genius.
8.How much do you love your job? Love it. Just started, so it's kinda the honeymoon phase. And I get to file! Happy Day! (That, by the by, was not sarcasm. I love filing. You know that Trident commercial from a few years back when the boss asked the guy to do some filing and the guy gets all "Filing? Did you say filing?" And breaks into song and dance? Yeah, that's totally me.)
9. Birthplace: Foothills Hospital, Calgary, Alberta.
10. Current Residence: Still Calgary.
11. Favorite food: Right now? Food. Normally? Beef, or turkey. Dear lord, now I want a turkey sub. Or turkey fajitas....
12. Been to Africa? No, and I would love to. It was the one dream my Grandpa didn't get to fulfill.
13. Been toilet papering? Yes indeed I have. And it was delightful fun.
14. Love someone so much it made you cry? *rage* Yes.
15. Are you in love now? No. I don't plan on it ever again. (Blah blah you cant plan love puke. yes you can. Yes, you can.)
16. Been in a car accident? Yup. Wasn't my moms fault and I got a settlement.
17. Croutons or bacon bits? Croutons, unless I am in a salty mood.
18. Favorite day of the week: Thursday. I could never get the hang of Thursdays.
19. Favorite word or phrase: Dude, seriously? I know!
20. Least favourite word or phrase? "You're fired."
21. Favorite Restaurant: To sit down at? Boton Pizza or Stavros. Vlassis is up there too, but it gets too smoky.
22. Favorite flower: Calla lilies. I'm pricey.
23. Favorite sport to play: hockey. Street or ice. Right wing or goal. Kayaking, if you're taking sport as "things that make you sweat and you compete in".
24. Favorite drink: Pepsi. Otherwise? Vanilla Stoly Rasberry Martini. Done right. Done wrong and it's all kinds of wrong. Fizzinf Jaée's are good too.
25. Favorite Ice cream: Spongebob SquarePants! Or chocolate.
26. Favorite fast food restaurant: Subway, Wendy's or NYF.
27. What color is your bedroom carpet: Cat hair. Seriously. I can't get rid of it.
28. How many times did you fail your drivers test: Haven't taken it, but I do have my learners. That only took me two tries. As I am stupid and don't know how to drive a standard, so I didn't know you aren't supposed to shift on train tracks.
29. Besides this one, from whom did get your last e-mail?: Emma. Ahh, Emma. How I miss you. And want to kill your husband....
30. Which store would you choose to max your credit card: Payless and also the kitchen gadget store in Market Mall. Mmm, shoes and gadgets I'll never use...
31. What do you do often when you are bored: Read, go online...umm...walk places.
32. Most annoying thing people ask: Did that hurt? While pointing to my piercing. If it did, would I have got it? No.
33. Bedtime: I live on my own. I haven't had a bed time since I was 16. On workdays, its between 10 and 12. Weekends it's whenever I damned well fell like it.
34. Who will respond to this e-mail-turned-meme the quickest? Noone, as nobody loves me enough to do it :(
35. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond: Shelley, as I stole this from her email.
36. Favorite TV Show: CSI, Survivor, CI and AI. omg, cannot forget La Fureur!! Love. That. Show.
37. Last person you went out to dinner with: The Beautifuls,
valueofaloonie and
38. Ford or Chevy : Chevy. I'd rather push a Chev than drive a Ford.
39. Did you learn anything new about the person who sent this? I learned that Shelley hates filing. Who knew?