Title: The Hard Part (or How I Let The Boys Boil Over Now In Order To Simmer Down Later)
Chapter: 5/5
Fandom: EastEnders
Characters: Christian Clarke, Syed Masood, Tamwar Masood, Jane Beale.
Pairings: Christian/Syed
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Up until Thursday 27th January '11
Summary: The true challenge in any relationship comes not in times of peace, but
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Comments 8
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Thank you so much - it's actually been so much fun writing it, and so much fun getting back into the swing of writing for myself and my own pleasure as opposed to fighting through a fandom that's pushing against me. There shall be more!
Seriously, though, that it managed to have an impact even though you're not up to that stage in their storyline means a lot. It really does, especially as I'm really still just testing the waters of what I can do with these characters.
Thank you so much for your comments!
Thanks for this story...very well written, and it's helped bridge the empty gap of them not being on the show...we'll see what tonight brings!
So happy :)
Really enjoyed reading this
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