debitum naturae

Mar 08, 2009 14:45

Title: Debitum Naturae
Author: mercury_rose
Rating: PG-13/R
Summary: There are six times when Regulus thinks that he is going to die. One-shot.
Word count: 4,403.

primoris. )

rabastan lestrange, regulus black, r, walburga black, sirius black, drama, general

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Comments 13

duck_or_rabbit March 8 2009, 19:46:29 UTC
I always enjoy your posts on the Black boys. I think the dynamic between Regulus and Sirius is just right here. Multiple great moments in this one shot, all tied together with the feeling of swimming in the sea.

Writing his drowning is incredibly hard, but you've done the imagery with aplomb. The use of the phrase 'pin him down' is so evocative as it describes exactly how he's trapped without being an overwrought description.

Very nice, as was your Sirius/Marlene months back.


mercury_rose March 10 2009, 01:31:03 UTC
Glad that you liked it - thanks for commenting!


ariana789 March 8 2009, 22:52:17 UTC
Whoa. This was so dark, but it really fits.

I really liked the third one, for some reason, even though it was sad. I liked how you didn't have Tatiana be the love of his life, or anything - just having her die was enough. It's funny, how sometimes we forget that Regulus's generation, despite being magical, were kids growing up in the '70s.

The alternating views of Sirius throughout were fascinating as well - how Regulus's view of him changes.


mercury_rose March 10 2009, 01:34:59 UTC
That's something that I always like to keep in mind as well - the 70s were such an interesting time period, and with the rise of Voldemort juxtaposed with that...anyway, I think the Marauders were probably big drug experimenters and got high on a very regular basis...

Thanks so much!


bemoan1000 March 9 2009, 02:39:26 UTC
Thanks for sharing. I always like to read a good fic about Regulus.


mercury_rose March 10 2009, 01:35:10 UTC
No problem - glad you liked it!


elegant_saphire March 9 2009, 02:42:01 UTC
Poor Regulus! I do feel for him, especially when he realized that he truly didn't want to be saved.

(Also, was the cocaine thing a Gossip Girl shoutout? Anyway, I thought it was well done.)


mercury_rose March 10 2009, 01:35:48 UTC
I actually don't watch Gossip Girl! Lost is pretty much the extent of my TV watching habits...anyway, thank you!


werewolfsfan March 9 2009, 02:47:28 UTC
I'm nearly overcome but I also want to offer something in response so I'll try.

I found this very powerful both in the ideas and their execution. The repeat of imagery from the beginning to Regulus drowning in the cave is strong and yet I like how different each situation is.
I also especially like that this is primarily about Regulus not about other members of the Black family. It doesn't really try to put the entire blame for the tragedy that is R.A.B. on the others.
This tale is moving, original and will prove ultimately to be haunting.


mercury_rose March 10 2009, 01:37:01 UTC
Wow! *is flattered* I was really trying to delve into Regulus's character, and I'm glad you think it turned out to be successful.

Thank you so much!


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