Title: Of Idylls and Wastelands
mercury_rose Summary: For three months, two weeks, and one day, Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks sequester themselves in her little flat and enrapture themselves in each other, but all paradises have to end eventually.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 944
for three months, two weeks, and one day... )
Comments 5
Edit: I'm not sure how he can both be taking a last look and unable to look back, and it sort of distracted me:
"But as he leaves, taking one last look at her, with her hands clasped instinctively over her stomach, bravely not looking directly at him but rather concentrating ferociously on the wall, he hurries away, unable to look back."
Love in Christ,
Lyny Angell
Thanks so much for the review though, and I'm glad you liked it otherwise!
This was beautiful, and the atmosphere was perfect. Thank you.
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