[fic] Tomorrow, In A Year - Chapter Four [KHR]

Sep 24, 2012 21:09

Title: Tomorrow, In A Year
Author mercymelucretia
Rating: PG13
Characters: Sawada Tsunayoshi and his pals
Genre: Drama, Humour
Warnings: AU, TYL
Summary: In a world where he has never met Reborn, Sawada Tsunayoshi lives a perfectly normal life. But he has no idea about the people he is about to meet...

Chapter Four: The Name Game

Slowly he reached for his pack of cigarettes in the pocket of his jacket. He had no idea why he was even waiting but he had nothing to do either way so he thought that this was better than staring at his ceiling all day.

But they did not come.

Surprisingly, he was disappointed. Somehow. It wasn't that he desperately hoped that they would meet again after this incident the night before but it would have been a nice change for once in a while. Because normally, life wasn't that fun for him (somehow, occasional heavy arguments with strangers counted as fun activities in Gokudera's world).

So, after half an hour of waiting which was a new personal record for him, he entered the restaurant and asked if the strangers somehow showed up. In an instance of a feeling that could hardly be described, he asked the random person at the counter whether they had somehow left a note or anything like that. Much to his own surprise, Gokudera was informed that indeed they had left a small note for him.

The note itself was not that helpful. It merely said that due to an unexpected incident the so-called meeting had to be cancelled. Nothing about "Hey, let's meet on a different day" or something like that.

It wasn't that Gokudera insisted on the meeting. And definitely it wasn't because he was lonely after all, that would be purely ridiculous. He was just... bored. He had nothing of value to do. He did study but that wasn't important to him. It didn't challenge him at all. In fact, he did not need to study; his family was insanely rich due to operating in special businesses so worries about money were unheard of. Everytime he wanted to escape this situation and finally become independent, it eventually got him back in the end. If he wanted to or not.

"Why do I even think about this?" Yelled Gokudera. He had left the restaurant without even noticing it and was now standing in the middle of the street. The few people who walked the street were giving him dirty looks.

"I think I need another cigarette."

Another day and probably again working overtime. As usual. But that was not bad for Sawada Tsunayoshi, not at all. He liked it when things were normal. Especially when they were so normal to the point when they got completely boring. Of course his job was also a very boring and uninteresting one. He worked at an insurance company and was entirely content with that. And now he even had found a new friend at work, Kozart Enma. Although he was, and that was not meant to be derogative, even more socially awkward than Tsuna. And that signified something to say the least.

However, even Sawada Tsunayoshi could not work all day in his beloved unexciting job without a break or two. And said breaks turned out to very out to be very surprising now that Tsuna had found a friend in Enma. Despite being very socially awkward, this guy seemed to know everything about people and that wasn't even a hyperbole. Be it co-workers, neighbours, famous people or just the random homeless person on the street, Enma was a new-found source of wisdom for Tsuna. Maybe being ignored by everybody did have somehow a positive side. Even if that positive side was being able to eavesdrop everybody.

"You know Enma, maybe you should reconsider your profession. As a secret agent you would be perfect," Said Tsuna as he chewed on his food.

"Don't say things like that, Tsuna. Loser Enma never will be secret agent although that would be really cool, if I think about it. Anyway, have you heard about these robberies that happened in the past days?"

"Actually, no."

"Well, you know the thing is that the police don't say anything but I heard rumours that the robbers left absolutely no traces behind them. Everything is of course very mysterious. Personally, I think that these robberies were committed by the same people. I mean, normally in Namimori happens nothing important."

"Maybe it's because of, what-his-name-again, eh, Hibari Kyoya. Everyone here knows that he hates disturbances of any kind in Namimori with a passion. Perhaps he wants to take out the criminals himself."

"Who's that Hibari Kyoya? I never heard of him. But you know, I just moved to this town a year ago."

Tsuna shuddered on the thought of Hibari Kyoya. Mainly because he was the reason for Tsuna to wake up in the middle of night in fear of getting late to school. He still had these nightmares. A therapist would have a field day with him, he sometimes thought.

"Well, Hibari Kyoya was the school prefect of Namimori Middle School and he still thinks he is. And he thinks that he has the responsibility to enforce the school rules of his beloved school. Nobody knows exactly how old he is and what he even does to earn his money. Usually, people here avoid him like a pest. You can consider yourself lucky that you never crossed his path. He would bite you to death."

"Bite you to death? That sounds rather silly. A dog can bite someone to death but not a human being. That just sounds ridiculous."

"To be honest, I sometimes doubt that this Hibari Kyoya is even a human."

"Okay, if you say so," Enma said rather hesitantly. After this description he had no intention in ever meeting this person. He himself had enough problems to deal with.

Days had passed and Gokudera Hayato didn't expect that he would ever meet these strangers again. He decided that this was for the better. Really, he had a lot of more important things to do than to waste his time on people he knew literally nothing of. The problem was that Gokudera was highly curious, although he rarely admitted it. In his mind he had already speculated where exactly these strangers came from and what their plans were. But he couldn't help it. He met people in the broadest sense of the word everyday so it should be this time any different. Maybe he was just going insane. Didn't he have an uncle who was currently in a mental asylum? So obviously he was indeed on the edge on getting totally paranoid. What a nice turn of events.

What he really needed in a situation like this was a good cup of simple black coffee. Perhaps then he could block these irritating thoughts and concentrate on much more important stuff. But where could he get a cup of coffee? Everywhere one got suffocated with latte macchiato, cappuccino and double mocha chocolate crap. He just wanted to a simple, nice little cup of coffee. How complicated could that be? Or maybe he just needed sleep. A lot of sleep. Or a vacation. Or both.

"Well, it seems that someone here is very distressed these days. Or isn't it so, Gokudera?"

Gokudera immediately turned around to see who dared to bother him. He really had more important stuff to do than to cope with idiots who think that they could provoke him. He would give this person a lecture they would never forget, that was for sure.

"I have enough of people who try to make fun of me or who try to bother me with their crap. It's not going to work. Seriously. And now would you please do me a favour and fuck off. Thank you," said Gokudera while his eyes were closed. He had a reputation to lose and therefore he had to look as cool as possible. And now he would open his eyes and see his method succeeding. Damn straight.

But as he opened his eyes he did not see what he expected. Gokudera Hayato was shocked. He almost couldn't close his mouth or avert his stare.

"You... God why... How... What the hell happened to your face?"

"And that's why I am never allowed to go to the zoo in Osaka again."

"Eh, Enma that's not a very good story to be honest."

"But I have no better stories," Enma sighed. Actually he did have some stories to tell. But none of them were particularly entertaining or happy. Just typical for Loser Enma.

"Don't be sad, Enma. I mean, I don't have any interesting stories to tell as well. But that's nothing bad. You know, many people don't like normal things but I love them."

Enma had to try hard not to raise his eyebrow. He already knew that Tsuna liked being completely normal but somehow his love for normality went too far. Sometimes he thought what Tsuna do if something unexpected would happen in his life. He definitely would go crazy or something worse. And that would be terrible because he knew what Tsuna was like when he was drunk.

"Anyway, Tsuna... Anything new at your home?"

Tsuna suddenly shrugged his head. He thought that he could ignor that thin until it was ultimately in front of him. He wished that he would just wake up and what his mother said would turn out to be a very bad dream. But it was no use in pretending, he had to face reality.

"Well, my father comes back to visit my mother and me."

"That's awesome! But why do you look like you're about to vomit? Have you eaten something bad?"

"No, it's just... To be frank, I can't stand my father. He left my mother and me alone while he is one the other end of the world to work, that bastard. He could look for a job around here, but no, h ha to get a job so far away that he doesn't show up for years. And then he is around he is just embarrassing."

"You know, Tsuna, you shouldn't say that about your father. Really, you should be lucky that your father and your mother are still alive and happy. Many people would love to have a father, even if he is away for most of the time."

"If you say so, Enma."

Hibari Kyoya was enraged. He was furious. He was deeply humiliated. His beloved order and the discipline in his cherished hometown of Namimori appeared to diminish from day-to-day and there was nothing he could do about it. Something he had never thought possible happened. The Disciplinary Committee was powerless.

Any other person in his position maybe would have freaked out or had a heart attack. But not him. He wouldn't allow any herbivores to destroy his pride right in front of his eyes.

The problem was that too many incidents happened at the same time and no connection could be detected. It was really troublesome. In fact it so troublesome that he couldn't get to his sacred naps.

But somehow, he would get these criminal herbivores in the end. Soon, one of the would make a crucial mistake and shortly after that, the others would follow. He only had to be patient.

Unfortunately, Hibari Kyoya despised waiting.

"I think we should go back to work, Enma."

"Yeah, the time's almost up. So let's go then."

And with that they went slowly back to work. That was, until Tsuna abruptly stopped in his tracks. He sensed the presence of something, perhaps even someone, but he wasn't able to detect what precisely he felt. He only had the bad feeling that someone was watching him. And no, it was not his choleric boss. Probably it would be better to just shrug the uneasy feeling off. He didn't intend to get even more neurotic than he already was.

"Hey Tsuna! You better run or we both get to work even more today than we already do."

Gokudera Hayato couldn't believe his eyes.

That brat from the evening he tried to forget was standing right before him. That alone wouldn't cause a person like Gokudera to get shocked. It was more the fact how that brat looked like. Gokudera didn't remember every single detail of their previous meeting but he was sure that he wouldn't have misse that etail. Apart from hat e looked like he hadn't slept in days. Also his clothes looked so old and worn that he almost looked like a different person. But the clothes were nothing compared to the bloodstained bandage that covered one of the brat's eye.

"Just... Just what the hell did you do, you dumb brat? Anyway, tell me your name immediately and I get you to a hospital so that you'll stop pestering me, you heard me."

But the brat just grinned (like an idiot according to Gokudera).

"What about that we're going to drink something before. I have the desperate need for some hot chocolate and cake. And," he sighed as he made a long pause," I guess I could tell you my name. Maybe. It depends."

Great. The brat was still an utter idiot. Or just trying to fuck with his mind. Or probably both.

"Just tell me your name or I'll get you into the hospital either way."

"Calm down, no need to get angry at me. Geez. Don't you understand a joke? But duh, if you want a name, you can have one. Just call me Lambo, okay?"

"That's the stupidest name I've ever heard."

"You're really nice today."

"Don't act like you know me brat!"

"So, are we going or not?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I know this nice café here. It's a better place to talk than just here in the street. Anyway, I'm hungry."

Somewhat enraged, Gokudera and Lambo made their way to the café. That brat (Gokudera was too used by now to call him that way) sure had a lot of explaining to do.

sawada tsunayoshi, khr, au, reborn, fanfic

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