I don't know why I have become so cynical/critical in my fandoms. I think back even just a year and a half ago, when I discovered the fun to be had for my shows on the Internet, and it seems like I was a whole different person back then. I read and enjoyed most fanfiction (as long as it was free of major grammar mistakes), I read and participated
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Comments 18
.. if I had remembered in the editing and all to use my "I need a drink or two" icons *grin*
Go ahead! I didn't mean to steal your thunder. I love hearing other people's ideas/thoughts.
First, about fanfiction in general, I can't judge grammar
Be glad. Be very, very glad. I'd say at least half (and that's being generous) of the stories out there are dreadful as far as grammar goes. Even the stories that I like often have errors. I wish I could skip over the errors in the stories I like, but my nit-picky brain catches them every time. *sigh*
Either Samantha was too Mary Sue for my tastes (by the way I think she is a bit on the show, *grin*)
Just wait until you meet Kate on Lost. I like her well enough, but she is a great example of a canon Mary Sue. I can deal with a little Mary Sueness, but my patience only goes so far.
Martin didn't have any depth
Yup. That's what I found in my recent foray into the fandom.
even if PM opened her mouth and trash-talked Samantha againYou read that too? Some people just shouldn't ( ... )
For instance, I shipped Adama/Roslin on BSG when I first got into the show, and at that time *every little fic* that appeared I DESPERATELY WANTED TO READ, were it mundane RST or an incredible piece. An itch to scratch? Yes. As time went on, my interest in the ship decreased while on the contrary the number of fics as well as their quality went up in spades. Yet I didn't feel the same enjoyment while reading that I did in the beginning, even if *these* fics were so much better constructed and written. I had my detour by Roslin/Lee and felt the same initial glee, and any bit of gay gay Roslin will fill me with squee (and especially Michelle Forbes' Cain paired with her) because the department is sorely lacking ( ... )
So maybe my lack of enjoyment reading fanfic is because I'm not feeling the shippyness anymore? I pretty much only ever read shippy fics (because I think the shows do a better job of the "real" stories, so I use(d) fanfic to fill in the blanks/explore relationships).
Then there's also the question of a dynamic between characters that stays fascinating even when you don't ship anymore, or not as much
And then this would explain why I'm still enjoying Lost and LFN fics? Because I find the characters (mostly Sawyer in Lost, but everyone in LFN) so compelling ( ... )
your relationship with your fandom(s) changes over time, but that this does not have to mean the end of fannish joy.
I know that my relationship to fandom will change, I'm just rather depressed about the change. Especially as I am worried that although the change doesn't necessarily mean the end, it very well might. I was into the Highlander fandom (such as it was; I was more into analysis than fanfic and stuff) back in the mid '90's, but then I lost interest and completely dropped it. I didn't get back into fandoms until summer of last year. I don't want to completely drop my fandoms now, and I'm sort of afraid that's where this is headed.
Some of it may be my strong OTC sentiments.I feel passion for the show LFN, but there really isn't that much fandom out there that I have found. I "know" some people here on LJ, and I appreciate it, but it's ( ... )
That would be the kind of fic that I wouldn't make it through, I'm afraid. Unless, of course, it's a crack!fic and supposed to be a bit crazy.
Heh. Probably because I'm a meta-inclined kinda gal, among other things, I still read it (or at least start it, we have some giant, world devouring WIP going on right now on the main story boards, and I'm not really keeping up to date on them) most or all of it, partially because I'm fascinated by the variety of ways people see/write/respond to the characters. Even the Madeline is insane! people. *g* I guess, in part, I do tend to see fanfic as just another kind of discussion/meta about the characters and the canon world, so even bad!fic holds some interest for me. At least, in LFN. ;-)
I find slash a tad more mature in a way
I agree. I think it's becuase my het ships tend to attract younger fans. I'm not saying that all younger fans are immature, but a good portion of them are. I had to leave two mailing lists for het pairs of mine because they were filled with netspeak and other immature comments. Of course, I've not fully explored slash, so maybe there are immature people there that I'm just not seeing yet, but so far, so good.
Martin and Danny never really clicked for me....And although I can maybe see it with Danny, I just can't ever see Martin swinging that way.
ITA. I acutally just read two well-written M/D fics. They were technically very well done, and I enjoyed the stories well enough, but they didn't make me really see the relationship and/or obsess about the pair.
In fact, as sad as this is, I don't think there are really that many great ( ... )
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