Recap of WaT episode "Bogie Man"

May 18, 2005 19:50

Yet another recap by request...

The camera pans across a small town and over the woods. It then focuses on a young teenage girl. She is clutching a small cross made of two sticks tied together and looking back warily over her shoulder. Flashes of her walking are intercut with flashes of another young teenage girl running along the same path. The other girl is running at night and looks absolutely terrified. The two girls’ journeys are filmed as interconnected: when the first girl steps over a branch, the other girl is then shown stumbling over a branch. The second girl trips over a root and falls down, crying. The camera pans in as if a person is walking toward her. The camera angle changes to show her viewpoint, and a shadowy figure can be seen looming over her. The first girl is at the same spot, hammering her cross in with a rock. She then gets up and starts to walk away. As she looks over her shoulder at the cross, the scene flashes back to the second girl. She is lying on the ground, crying, “No!” while a man stands over her and grabs her jacket at the shoulders. The first girl is then shown walking away, fading into nothingness.

17 hours missing. Back at the offices, Samantha is walking in with a brown paper bag. She hands it to Martin, telling him that she got him a bagel. She then says, “Listen, I was thinking, about your cousin’s wedding, and um…I would like to go. I mean, obviously, I’m a little nervous, but I think you’re right. I think it’s time.” Martin tells her that he already booked his flight. She starts to respond, but he cuts her off with, “Well, actually, that’s not true. I haven’t, but I’m going to. I’m going to go by myself.” Throughout this whole start to the scene, he seems to have trouble looking her in the eyes; he finally does so with the last sentence. She asks if something is wrong. He replies, “No. I just…I don’t want to do this anymore.” Samantha looks a little shocked and asks, “What?” Martin continues, “I’m just tired of playing games. And frankly, I’m not interested in waiting around while you figure out your problems.” Samantha seems quite shocked by this and starts to stammer out, “My problems…so…what are you saying…we’re done? I mean, we’re done?” Martin says, “Well, not just like that, but, yeah. I am.” Jack interrupts them and drops a file on Martin’s desk, saying, “This is Daisy Thorpe. I’ll call you from the car and give you the details. Sam, we’re going to head Upstate.” Sam still looks a bit shell-shocked, and she lags behind at Martin’s desk for a bit. Samantha follows Jack, glancing over her shoulder once back at Martin, and catches up to Jack in the hallway. To add insult to injury, Jack tells her, “I don’t know what’s going on with you two, but I want you to keep it out of the office.” Samantha might have been responsible for the break-up, but that is a truly terrible way to kick off the morning. The camera then focuses in on Martin, sitting dejectedly at his desk. I know that Martin breaking up with Samantha like that in the office was a bit harsh, but I honestly get the opinion from his body language that although he had already resigned himself to breaking up with her, he hadn’t been planning on doing it at that moment until Samantha forced his hand by mentioning the wedding, and he wasn’t ready for the actual reality of it all.

18 hours missing. Jack and Samantha walk up to the local cops who are at the scene and introduce themselves. The locals seem really hostile. They ask who called in the FBI, and Jack tells them that Daisy’s parents did. The local sheriff then deadpans, “We need all the help we can get.” This doesn’t faze Jack, who responds, “Yes, I can see that.” It turns out that the cops are staking out the trailer of Curtis Horn, who they think is responsible for Daisy’s disappearance. Jack asks what they have on him, and they reply that he killed a young girl named Amber Bryce seven years ago but they couldn’t prove it. The sheriff was the one who found Amber up near the old bridge, sexually assaulted and strangled to death. Curtis was her boyfriend and had been the last one to see her alive; they had an argument the morning of her death. There was no physical evidence at the crime scene. Jack says that he would like to talk to Curtis and starts walking toward the trailer. As they walk, the young local cop informs them that Amber was the Reverend’s daughter, while Curtis’s whole family was “scum.” The sheriff introduces Samantha and Jack to Curtis and says that they would like to ask him a few questions about Daisy. He says that he doesn’t know her. Samantha shows him a picture and asks him where he was yesterday afternoon. He says that he was at his trailer because no one will give him a job. Samantha asks why he hangs around, and he says that he stays around just to piss everyone off. Jack ends the interview, such as it was, with a deadpan remark and walks away. As he does, he tells the locals that he wants everything they have on Amber Bryce’s case and a 24/7 surveillance set up on Curtis. He leaves the cops there and tells Samantha as they walk away, “All that’s missing is the banjo music.” Jack is in rare form today; I love the Deliverance reference.

19 hours missing. Jack and Samantha are talking with Daisy’s parents. Samantha asks them why they waited 15 hours to file a report, and Daisy’s mother says it was because they thought she was just acting out. Her acting out started a few months ago: piercings, changing her hair color; her whole personality changed. They had a big argument the morning before. Flashback to the mother trying to be polite and asking what Daisy wants for breakfast and Daisy responding insolently. Daisy then takes a birth control pill in front of her mother and purposely taunts her. Daisy ends up walking out, saying that she is having sex with everyone and leaving her mother to just stand there and shake her head in frustration and resignation, trying to stop from crying. Back in the present, the father asks, “She said that she was having sex with everyone?” The parents are unaware of any contact that Daisy might have had with Curtis or of any boyfriend that she might have had.

The scene shifts to Vivian who cannot open the child-proof lid on a bottle of pills, even with her teeth. The phone rings; it’s Danny. He pulled all of the old cases of girls that were missing, trying to find a connection to their current case, and he cannot read her handwriting on the two cases that were hers. The first case is actually of a woman in her seventies. “That must be a seven and not a one, I’m sorry.” (Danny’s expression as he says that is really cute.) As Danny gives her the name of the other missing girl, Vivian’s call-waiting beeps, and she takes the other call. She seems upset by it. She quickly goes back to Danny’s line to say that she doesn’t think the cases are related, but she hangs up when he asks her if everything is okay.

20 hours missing. Samantha is walking down a hallway, talking on the phone with Martin. He tracked down the birth control pills to a family planning clinic and will fax her the subpoena for Daisy’s chart. Martin is a little more stiff/formal than normal, but Samantha is positively icy. She hangs up on him before the words are completely out of his mouth. Samantha enters the local station office and is faced with three stony cops. They stare at her and she just sighs. (This is so not her day!)

Back at the FBI office, Danny comes up to Martin’s desk. He has Daisy’s phone records. She called Amber’s father numerous times. Cut to Jack getting out of his car at the church. He sees the Reverend arguing with a guy. They both seem pretty worked up, and the other guy storms off. Jack asks the Reverend if he knows Daisy, and he replies that he is close to the family; both of Daisy’s parents are in the choir. Jack mentions, “It’s my understanding that she’s been calling you a lot lately. At home.” Reverend Bryce must have picked up on the same tone in Jack’s voice that I did, because he immediately assumes that it is some kind of accusation and asks, “What are you implying?” Jack says that he’s not implying anything; he just wants to know what they talked about. At first the Reverend says that he doesn’t want to talk about it, but then he acquiesces and says that Daisy wanted to talk about Amber. The Reverend kept refusing until a few days ago she came by “and wouldn’t take ‘No’ for an answer.” Flashback to that conversation. Daisy is very insistent. She keeps asking questions about Amber such as whether she liked poetry, had any pets, or played any sports. She ties most of her questions back to her father. (She says with the pet question that her father is a vet, and when told that Amber played tennis, she says that her father does/did too.) She keeps going on about Amber, not noticing that the Reverend is very upset by the conversation. He finally loses it and shouts, “My daughter is dead! That’s all you need to know about Amber. She’s dead!” Daisy apologizes. The Reverend tells Jack that he shouldn’t have exploded like that. Jack asks if the Reverend knows why Daisy is preoccupied with Amber. The Reverend says that everyone is; it really affected the town. Jack then asks about Amber’s relationship with Curtis. Reverend Bryce says, “Everything about it was wrong.” He also says that he and Amber had had a conversation about it the night before her death, and she had promised that the next day she would stop seeing him.

Back at the FBI offices, Samantha is questioning a teenage boy. She tells him that he is listed at Daisy’s emergency contact. He says, “They said our charts were confidential.” Samantha picks up on the “our” and asks, “You went with her?” When he nods, she asks if he is sleeping with her. When he responds negatively, she asks if he knows who Daisy was sleeping with. He says that Daisy isn’t sleeping with anyone; she told him that she just got the birth control pills to freak her mother out. After commenting on Daisy’s strained relationship with her parents, Samantha asks him whether Daisy had ever mentioned the name Amber Bryce. The boy says, “Are you kidding? She’s obsessed.” Flashback to the boy and Daisy typing on side-by-side laptops. Daisy says, “This is so sick! This whole Amber Bryce thing. Some pervert has sex with a thirteen-year-old girl and kills her, and no one in this town gives a damn.” The boy says that they do. She says that they don’t care enough to find out who did it. He retorts that they do know who did it. Daisy then asks why they don’t do something about it then. They argue a bit about it, with Daisy becoming highly emotional. The boy tells Samantha that Daisy went to see Curtis the next day. Jack and Sam go to Curtis’s trailer and discover that his car is gone and there is no surveillance. Jack enters the trailer and finds a pink sweater of Daisy’s.

21 hours missing. Samantha is calling in the description of the car while Jack is accosting the young cop. Jack says that he told him to keep an eye on Curtis. The young cop responds that he cruised by 3-4 times an hour. Jack asks why he didn’t watch him constantly, and the cop replies that he couldn’t because he had other things to do. Jack retorts, “Like what? Go to the donut shop?” The sheriff decides that Jack has gone too far and intervenes. Samantha then calls Jack over to see the knife that she found. It has blood on it. It also still has a bar code on it. They were able to trace the knife back to the store where it was purchased. Jack questions the owner (who is the same man who was arguing with the Reverend earlier). It turns out that Curtis wasn’t the one who bought the knife; it was Daisy. She said that she needed the eight-inch hunting blade for protection. Jack asks him about his discussion with the Reverend, but doesn’t get a straight answer. When the guy leaves, Jack turns to the sheriff and asks, “Why do I get the distinct impression that he’s lying?” The sheriff says, “Oh, Bob didn’t do anything. He just doesn’t trust outsiders.” Jack retorts, “Seems to be an epidemic of that in this town…We’re just here to help. It would be a real kick in the pants if we could get some cooperation.”

Back at Vivian’s house, the camera focuses on Reggie, while Vivian can be heard in the background thanking a police officer for bringing him home. She then walks into the room and starts asking Reggie questions. It turns out that Reggie cut school and was in the park with his friends, drinking beers. Vivian is really upset. She tells him, “Now is not the time to start pulling this crap. Now is the time for this family to pull together. Do you understand me?” Reggie storms out.

Cut to Samantha walking down a pathway, talking to a young boy. He says that he travels that path frequently, but that you have to be careful that Curtis doesn’t catch you because, “he’ll take you out to the old bridge and chop you into little bits.” Samantha says, in that fake serious voice that adults use when humoring children, “Little bits? Really.” The boy responds that Curtis did that to Daisy. Samantha says that he doesn’t sound too sure of that and asks him, “What did you see?” The boy says that he saw something two days ago. Flashback to Daisy telling Curtis, “I’m telling you, he killed Amber.” Curtis asks why she doesn’t go to the police. She says that no one will believe her because they all think it was him and that she thinks the killer is going to get her too. Curtis doesn’t believe that she is serious until she shows him the knife that she has. The boy, who is hiding behind the bushes, cracks a twig, causing Daisy and Curtis to look up and him to run away. Samantha asks him if he knows who they were talking about, but he says that he doesn’t.

23 hours missing. Danny is looking through the box of information on the Amber Bryce case. He asks if Martin has gone through it. When Martin says that he hasn’t, Danny mentions that some evidence is missing. He says that in the reports, the Sheriff notes that there was hair in Amber Bryce’s watch, but it is not in the inventory or the Medical Examiner’s reports. Cut to Jack asking the Sheriff about the location of the hair. Jack accuses him of covering up the evidence. The Sheriff escorts Jack into his private office and tells him the whole story. The Sheriff was the first one on the scene. He noticed the hairs and wrote it down. Then he covered her with a blanket to try to preserve her dignity, which caused the hair to dislodge. He couldn’t find it again and didn’t want to get in trouble, so he omitted any mention of the hair after that. It turns out that the hair was blond and Curtis has dark hair, so the hair couldn’t have belonged to him, making him an unlikely candidate for having committed the murder. The Sheriff said that if the case had gone to trial, then he would have said something. The young cop interrupts then, saying that they found Curtis’s car. Jack tells him not to touch anything and heads out.

At the scene of the car, Samantha peers in the windows, while Jack examines the surroundings. He finds Curtis’s body.

25 hours missing. Jack examines the car and finds a broken taillight. Samantha walks over and tells him that the M.E. says that Curtis took a vicious beating but has no stab wounds. Jack asks about the marks on Curtis’s face. Samantha says that they don’t know what caused them. “It could be a ring. It could be a rock.” Jack draws her attention to the broken taillight and the streaks of red paint next to it on the car. He also tells her, “The glove compartment is open, and there is crap all over the floor. This car has already been searched.” Samantha replies, “Not that we can trust anything that these guys say at this point, but they claim that they never touched anything.” Jack doesn’t believe that.

Cut to Jack and Samantha looking at a red truck with damage to the front. The camera pans up to show that the truck is parked in front of the church. Then Reverend Bryce says, “For seven years, the people of this town warned me that this day would come. They said that Curtis had to be stopped, that I couldn’t let him do it again. My answer was always the same, ‘Father, forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.’ But when Daisy disappeared, all that was washed away. I couldn’t say ‘No’ anymore.” Flashback to a truck pulling in front of Curtis, stopping him from driving on the road. He tries to reverse but hits the Reverend’s truck, which has pulled up behind him. Curtis gets out and is accosted by four guys who start shoving him and say they can’t let him get away with this. Curtis says that he doesn’t have time for this because he has somewhere to be and asks them to move their cars. One of them hits him, causing him to fall to the ground. Curtis looks up at the Reverend and asks him if this is what he wants. The Reverend says, “You don’t leave me any choice.” Curtis replies, “Go ahead then…Go ahead and kill me. My life hasn’t meant a thing since Amber died. So go ahead…because I don’t care.” Curtis is then hauled up by his jacket, and Bob holds a knife held to his throat. The Reverend tells them to stop, and Bob releases him. One of the men gave him a last parting shot, causing him to fall to the ground again. Reverend Bryce tells Jack and Samantha that they then drove away, leaving him on the ground. Jack tells him that it must be apparent even to him that Curtis is innocent. He also mentions that even the sheriff knew of Curtis’s innocence and tried to cover it up. Jack then says, “It might be time to work on the forgiveness sermon that you give to your congregation.” He then leaves, while Samantha tells the Reverend that they are going to need a list of the men who were there as well as a list of all of the blond-haired men that Amber knew.

26 hours missing. Back at the office, Martin asks Danny how it is coming. Danny says that Amber had a tennis coach with blond hair who is now dead, a blond-haired piano teacher who moved to Florida, and a neighbor with blond hair who was in Taiwan on business the month Amber was killed. Martin found one guy in the sex crimes database who lived in the town in ’98. Danny asks if the guy had blond hair. Martin responds, “And blue eyes.” Danny retorts, “Sounds like your type.” Martin ignores the comment and says that the guy has been doing time in Rikers since 2002 for sexual assault of a minor. Danny comments that it won’t help them with Daisy’s case, but Martin might have solved the old case. The phone rings. It’s the lab saying that they got the DNA results back from the blood found on the knife. It isn’t a match for Curtis, but it is a 50% match with Daisy. That means that the blood came from a relative (parent or sibling, and since there are no siblings…) of Daisy’s.

Samantha and Jack are questioning the mother. They tell her that the blood on the knife had to either come from her or her husband and ask her if any of their disagreements with Daisy have turned violent. She says, “Once. A couple of weeks ago she threw a bottle at me.” Flashback to the mother walking up to Daisy, who is sitting on the old bridge holding a bottle. Daisy is her usual antagonistic self and says that she has been drinking “like a fish.” Her mother asks her why she is doing this. Daisy responds, “Don’t you know? I’m the bad seed. Guess I take after dad-well, except for the part about murdering people.” Her mother asks her what she is talking about, and Daisy says that her father killed Amber Bryce. Her mother has had enough of this and stands up, pulling Daisy up with her. All the while, Daisy is saying things about her father, such as that he had sex with Amber and that he met Amber when she played tennis. Her mother says that they didn’t even live in the town then, but Daisy doesn’t want to listen/believe and asks why she is lying for him. Daisy gets really upset and ends up shouting, “I just want to be left alone!” throwing the bottle at her mother’s feet, and storming away. Her mother says that an hour later, Daisy was in her room, asleep on the bed with all of her clothes on. Jack asks her about her and her husband’s jobs and hours. She is a bookkeeper who works typical 9 to 5/6 hours, but his hours are more flexible. Samantha looks concerned/empathetic and asks, “Do you think it’s possible… that your husband’s molesting your daughter?” Daisy’s mother doesn’t think so and says that she is a mother and she would know. It turns out that her husband has taken the car and she doesn’t know where he is right now. She seems to believe that it might be possible that her husband did something to her daughter, because she is quite upset at this moment.

Martin comes up to Danny at the office. He says that Daisy’s dad bought gas 30 minutes ago in Saratoga. Danny is on the phone with Samantha and asks her if she caught that. Cut to Samantha hanging up the phone and telling Jack the information. Jack then asks if they checked the phones. Cut to Martin and Danny looking at the phone numbers on the computer, and Martin saying that a call was made to Curtis from the Thorne house at 11:55 a.m., right before Curtis was accosted on the road and killed. Cut to Samantha saying, “Maybe that’s where Curtis was headed…Maybe Thorpe knows where Daisy is.” Cut to Danny saying, “And he’s either holding her somewhere, or he’s killed her.” Cut back to Jack, who is on the phone. He hangs up and says that state troopers picked up Mr. Thorpe.

Jack angrily asks Mr. Thorpe where his daughter is, and while looking at the desk, Mr. Thorpe says he doesn’t know. Jack tells him that when he is talking to him, he expects him to look in his eyes. He then repeats the question and gets the same answer, although this time Mr. Thorpe looks at him rather than the desk. Jack says that he knows that Mr. Thorpe has been molesting his daughter. This causes the Sheriff to perk up. Daisy’s dad denies that he has been molesting her. Jack says that Daisy must have finally fought back. Daisy’s dad denies this too. Jack asks how he can explain the cut on his arm then. He says that he went to her to ask forgiveness, but she went crazy. Flashback to Daisy holding the knife out while telling him, “Stay away from me!” He tries to calm her down. She says that she told Curtis everything. “What you did to me. What you did to Amber… You killed her!” Her dad tries to calm her down again, but she screams, “You’re never going to touch me again!” He grabs for the knife, but she pulls away and slashes his arm. She then runs out. He tells Jack, “It only happened once…one time…six weeks ago….I don’t know what came over me, but it only happened once, I swear to God.” Jack loses it at that statement. “Just listen to yourself! One time?!?! You think that’s okay?!?! You’re a sick pedophile, Mr. Thorpe. Do you understand that? You need help.” Jack then asks what happened to Curtis. He says that they found the body, and it was all beaten up and marked up. The camera pans to show bruises and scrapes on Mr. Thorpe’s hand, along with a ring. Jack asks if he killed Curtis to shut him up. Mr. Thorpe says that he was trying to get Daisy’s location from Curtis. Flashback to Daisy’s dad getting out of the car and walking to meet with Curtis. He had lied to Curtis, saying that Daisy was there, to get him to come and talk. Curtis shakes his head and turns to leave. Mr. Thorpe follows him, verbally accosting him. As Curtis goes to open his car door, Mr. Thorpe puts a hand on his shoulder, spins him around, and punches him hard enough to put him down on the ground. He then gets on top of him and pummels him, constantly asking where Daisy is. Curtis says, “You did this to her. She left because of you.” This enrages Mr. Thorpe further, and he starts slamming Curtis back on the ground. One of the times that Curtis is hit into the ground, his head smashes into a rock, killing him. Mr. Thorpe stares at Curtis’s lifeless body and says in a half whisper, “Tell me where my baby is.” He then hears a cell phone ring; it’s Curtis’s, and Daisy is the one calling. Mr. Thorpe answers. He tells Jack that Daisy hung up on him. Jack asks for the phone, gets it, and finds out that the call originated from a phone in Albany.

Cut to Daisy sitting on a bench. Jack and Samantha are in a car looking at her. Jack tells Samantha that he thinks she should be the one to handle this situation, and she agrees. She gets out of the car and walks over to Daisy. She introduces herself. Daisy says that she is going to NYC and is going to be fine. Samantha asks if Daisy has any money. Daisy says that she has $200. Samantha again uses her serious/humoring a child voice and says “$200. How long… do you think $200 is going to last you in New York City?” Daisy says that she wants to talk to Curtis. Samantha says that she can’t. Daisy assumes that Samantha won’t let her because she thinks Curtis is the bad guy and gets upset at her. Samantha tells Daisy that she cannot talk to Curtis because he is dead. “He was trying to protect you.” Daisy asks, “From who? My dad?” She then says that Curtis should have come with her; she wanted him to come with her. Flashback to Curtis saying that he won’t come with her because once she is gone, he’ll be the one who is blamed; they’ll say that he killed Amber and left because he did something to Daisy. He gives her his cell phone number and the $200. She thanks him. He looks really emotional and says to Daisy that he’ll never tell anyone. She says, “I know,” and she gets out of the car. She then tells Samantha, “I guess he kept his promise.” She starts to cry and asks about her father, saying, “I don’t want to end up like Amber Bryce.” Samantha tells her that her mother was right; they weren’t even in town when Amber was killed. She also says that her father is going away for a long time. Daisy asks what is going to happen now. Samantha responds with, “You tell me.” Daisy asks if her mom knows, and when Samantha says she does, Daisy asks if she is mad. Samantha responds, “Not with you.” Daisy says that she doesn’t want to go home right away, so Samantha sits next to her quietly. The camera shows Jack watching them.

Jack walks into the Sheriff’s office. The Sheriff asks, “What would you like me to say?” Jack responds, “Nothing. I would like you to clear Curtis’s name.” The Sheriff shows Jack his official statement and says that his resignation will be next. Jack says, “That’s probably good. This town could do with a fresh start.” Jack walks out.

Cut to Vivian cutting up some vegetables at the counter while Reggie does homework at the table. She says in a quiet voice, “You mad at me? You gotta be mad at somebody. Man, I’m pissed.” Reggie asks if she is scared, and she says that she is. He asks, “Of what?” She says, “Of losing you. Of losing your dad. …How about you?” They have a nice conversation. An alarm beeps. Reggie walks over to her medications, easily opens the child-proof cap, grabs a bottle of water, and brings the pill and the water to Vivian. They hug.

Back at the offices, Samantha walks up to Martin. He congratulates her on finding the girl. She indicates the materials that Martin is boxing up and asks if they are from the old case. He says that they are and that he’s sending them back. Samantha says that Jack told her they had a lead on the old case. Martin says that the lead didn’t pan out, so the case is still unsolved. “I guess some cases aren’t meant to be.” They both seem to realize the double nature of that comment and stand silently, not looking at each other. Samantha finally asks, “You wanted me to fight harder, didn’t you?” Martin responds, “It shouldn’t have to be a fight.” He walks out, and Samantha glances after him. The screen fades to black.

recaps, without a trace

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