I dropped a lot of shows last year (Once Upon a Time, Castle, Bones, NCIS, Grimm, Suburgatory, etc.) so I was really hoping there was going to be a lot of new television shows I'd want to watch this season, but, nope! It doesn't seem like there will be. Thus, my television viewing is going to be a bit sparse this year, I think.
What I'm watching this coming season, at least for now )
Comments 18
i read a really good review for Sleepy hollow so i hope for the best!!!
will you watch almost human?
Not likely. I'm tired of male buddy shows. (I've even become less enamored of Psych in the last couple of seasons.) Although, I can't say that I would have been happier with a guy and a girl, as I'm kinda burned out on that too. (See me dropping Bones and Castle.) If I hear a lot of good things, maybe I'll give it a try, but most likely not.
ahh yeah i feel you on that. I'm obviously making an exception for karl urban, but i've dropped most of those as well. :(
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