A winner is YOU

May 04, 2010 18:53

This C6D Porn Tag tag round is complete! We got THIRTEEN fics in SIX C6D fandoms. I declare this a great success based on these results. We shall have to do it again, yesyes. (That's what she said.)

Behold! (In the order people signed up because why organize what you can c+p)

akamine_chan -- Open, Due South, Fraser/Kowalski, NC-17
waltzforanight -- You're so pretty in the city of industry, RPS, Molly Parker/Tracey Wright, NC-17
lucifuge_5 -- Please Be Kind, Rewind, RPS, Hugh Dillon/Paul Gross, R
andeincascade -- Cymbal, Due South, Fraser/Kowalski, NC-17
luzula -- Tangential, Due South, (teenage) Fraser/Smithbauer, R
spuffyduds -- I Don't Even Know Why I Push You Like That, Durham County/Due South, Sweeney/Kowalski, NC-17
mikes_grrl -- Pushy, Due South, Fraser/Kowalski, NC-17
sionnain -- Terminus, Battlestar Galactica, Kara/Leoben, R
snoopypez -- With Everything, Due South, Fraser/Vecchio, R
sageness -- Cleopatra, Slings & Arrows, Geoffrey/Darren, R
petronelle -- Episode IV, Twitch City, Curtis/Hope/Newbie, NC-17
brigantine1 -- Gambling Man, Due South, Fraser/Kowalski, NC-17
osaraba -- Adventures in Food Shopping, Due South, Fraser/Kowalski, NC-17

Now I have to get time to read them all, hahaha Worst Mod Ever. >.> Um, I plead grad school? :D?

c6d porn tag, omgyay, i love you all, \o/, fic

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