fic: hitched my apple wagon to your star (the hobbit)

Jan 06, 2013 11:07

my descent into Hobbit fandom has been swift and merciless. come to me guys, let's talk about hot Dwarves.

title: hitched my apple wagon to your star
fandom: The Hobbit
pairing: fem!Fili/Kili
rating: PG-13
word count: 2795
summary: Fili and Kili have their first adventure in the world of Men.
notes: girl!Dwarves for liiiiiiife! in a roundabout way I blame eala, who told me that when she was a little girl she was unshakably convinced that Thorin Oakenshield was a lady and thus put the idea in my head. title comes from the song by The Boy Least Likely To, and the song Fili sings is The Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night. written for a prompt on hobbit-kink.

on the kinkmeme | on the AO3


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