Jul 13, 2005 09:23
Best 5 Songs:
Sound the Surrender - Darkest Hour
Endless - Unearth
Matchbook - Strung Out
Letters to God - Box Car Racer
End of an Era - .Hopesfall.
Unearth today so fuck you:)
Jul 11, 2005 22:53
Start recording new song with Petie in the afternoon
give me a call and drop by!
'nuff said
Jul 08, 2005 17:18
Spent time with Kati today for her birthday
its crazy how the years go by
but we're still here
and thats all that matters
Also, got my glasses DESTROYED the other night at the Alkaline Trio show
its all good, replacement plans are the best
Jul 04, 2005 11:05
Today is the holiday of all holidays
i just hope i dont blow off any limbs
Jul 01, 2005 12:17
Holy Shit
Sam and I bought the loudest fucking fireworks you can buy at skyking today
So loud, that both our chests still hurt from the blast
and that was just one, we've gpt 47 more to go
I love 4th of july :)
Jun 30, 2005 00:34
Today was dedicated to listening to music
which makes it a good day
I only left my house today to get the new Darkest Hour cd and came straight home
listened to it, got inspired
recorded with Petie
and been listening to it on repeat for the last 5 hours
my sisters came over for a bit as well which was kinda cool
Jun 27, 2005 01:19
Sometimes just seeing some familiar faces is all you need
Jun 24, 2005 23:07
Being in Orlando made me realize something
I hate this place and want to get away as fast as i can
theres very little for me here, i just cant grow anymore
Friends are gone, and if they havent yet, they will be in August
Friends that are here simply dont give a shit, besides Sam and Petie, and i fucking hate it
its time to move on