Who: Enoch and Armaros
When: 37th day, late evening
Where: Southern edge of the residential area, close to the 'wall' on the east side.
Rating: PG
Summary: Armaros gets back from his accidental foray into the second level, can barely handle the after-effects in his condition, and Enoch finally gets some questions answered (maybe).
They took the first house they came to, after they've been walking around for a good hour or so. Even if the whole house looked odd to the both of them (especially on the inside), it was only one story and besides, Armaros needed the rest after all that walking. It was less looking for proper shelter and more Armaros walking inside and claiming the bed by falling into it. That was that. Enoch could just deal with the weird...everything inside of the house.
It's been a few days, though, and the two of them fared surprisingly well. Armaros has been eating better and resting while Enoch has been making the best of this new environment, as usual. He probably handled it even better than most here, since he wasn't used to electricity in the first place. How can you miss something that you've never had in the first place?
But things have been going...good. Almost normal. They kept finding more food and bringing it back. More paper and pens were found for Armaros (and some for Enoch, of course). Armaros was walking around more instead of being constantly stuck in bed, which was always a good sign.
Which was why today was very odd.
It started perfectly fine. They ate, Armaros went outside for a bit, then came back in for a nap, which was perfectly fine. Those usually lasted a couple of hours at a time anyway.
When this one lasted for four, it wasn't a huge deal. Armaros was probably just extra tired and so was allotted more time for rest.
At six hours, there was some worry but, well, maybe he just didn't want to leave the room for some reason.
Eight hours brought about a quiet knock on the door and a quick check to see if he was still alive. He was, if mumbling and mouthing some unheard words. Probably dreaming. Armaros wouldn't wake up yet, but he was still alive and that's what mattered.
Twelve hours, though?
Twelve is ridiculous, even for someone who technically isn't human. He needs to eat at some point, right?