Who: Yomiel and B
When: Late Night Day 45
Where: On top of a building on the East side of the city.
Rating: D for DEAD
Summary: Bored bored bored bored bored.
It had been a long few days with guiding Sissel around, and Yomiel needed to get out and get some air. Not that he needed it for breathing, but he did need some time on his own. He stood on the edge of the roof, looking down at the city.
Pathetic. Sissel was the only good thing in this place, and even he didn't really understand. No one could. Ten years like this... and who knew how much longer, with what had happened? Sure, things might have changed in the timeline Sissel made, but where did that leave him?
He adjusted his glasses, shaking his head and looking for any movement.