Title: Do you believe in...?
Author: meridianslair
Pairing: Taemin/Minho
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Minho doesn't believe in fairytales, what he doesn't know is that it will change everything.
A/N: Much thanks to
jdramacrazy and
personified for beta-ing. lmao I'd be surprised if you guys even remember this! (a month is a long time...)
Do you believe in...? )
Comments 94
So Taemin, don't ever disappear.
This is great! Really.
I enjoyed reading it. Hahaha.
Thanks for sharing~! :D
if Taemin disappeared i would like... cry 8(
thanks so much for enjoying my story and commenting!!
Wow just the whole idea was really unique but the story I loved every single bit of it!
I really like the whole fairies idea and awww I freaking love the way you write 2min!
aww thanks so much 8( im glad you find it unique.
lol i hope ppl dont think im wrong for spelling it "faeries" idk i like that spelling way more bc it seems so much more.. magical?? 8D
thanks for the comment! 83
thanks so much for loving this fic and for commenting 8D
i expected tae would die BUT OMG HE DIDNT HAHAHA <333
why does everyone think Taebb is gonna dieeee TT-TT does everyone really think i'm that cruel??!
anyways thanks for the comment 83
is it really that different 8o? like the general idea of faerie Taemin, or the storyline?? both?? hah ^.^ sorry just trying to get some feedback!
aww im sorry it made you sad TT-TT i love angst with happy endings 8D
thanks so much for the comment ^.^
Angst with happy ending is the best, you're right.
you're welcome
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