Title: I prefer to love than to be loved.
Rating: G in my world. lol.
Pairing: Try to guess? lol.
Genre: Angst. Yeah, I wrote another angst. lol.
Author's notes: Well, the plot struck a chord in me as I was playing Kinki Kids's 'Aisareru Yori Aishitai', hence the title of this fic. Kinda missed writing this pairing too plus I receive
katrinasacay's constant GMs
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Comments 30
and i thought my GMs will be enough to make you write tegomass. xD
it's kinda tegomass-y, in a way. hahaha.
i see ur doing a good job of loving him for me (cough)
lovely drabble btw, angsty angsty (;
but i see why u cant let them be together (u want him for urself u selfish hag LOL)-- but its fine~ i understand xDD
and be sure not to forget about the GDYB u shelved. they don't have a good shelf life and they dust really easily xD just putting it out there haha!
I'm selfish when it comes to Shige, I know....and the GDxYB ficcie is not going anywhere. same with the TOPxDaesung one. LMAO. XDDDDDDDD
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