using table 7 from the
5sentence_fics community
Fandom: Gundam Wing, Pairing: Heero/Duo, Rating: PG-13, Warnings: a little angst, BL, word count: 168
Table 7, #02 - Crash into me
It was at a fair some miles up the coast that Duo had his first taste of what it would have been to be a real teenager. Heero sped by him, grinning in a way that Duo had never seen before, and he let out a whoop, racing after Heero, thrilled with the slow motion chase. A bump to his rear fender spun him around, and he backpedaled, throwing his head back and laughing as the young boy who hit him laughed, his scrawny arm pumping in the air; victory as charged as the electricity. Duo nudged his car forward, knocking the kid back into another rider, and a fourth rammed his side; a look showed Heero’s smirk and wink, then he was gone, maneuvering for another hit.
And he was chasing after Heero once again, in this special place, where time was irrelevant, and there was no war, no crime; there was only now, and Heero and him, and a life they might have had.