[Fic: GW] The Night Club

Feb 03, 2008 12:03

Title: The Night Club
Fandom: GW
Rating: PG
Characters(this chapter): Duo, Quatre, Hilde, Heero
Notes: the first chapter of an on going (hopefully) series featured in what was originally called the gay soap opera. Then this changed in to the gay soap opera set at a night club. The very imaginative title developed from there :P


It was for a job that Duo first met Quatre. The music still poured out of the speakers even though it was day and Quatre was nodding his head to the beat.

“I’m here for the bar tending job,” Duo said, grinning as he leaned against the counter.

“You with the job agency?” Quatre asked with his body posture relaxed but his gaze was sharp.

“Nah,” after all, he thought, you need a permanent address for that, “I heard about it from a friend who works here,” Duo said.

On the dance floor, a broom in her hand, Hilde glared at Duo. Then she returned to her job with even more enthusiasm than before.

“Ah, I see. What experience do you have?” Quatre questioned, looking a bit more distant with every second.

“I did a brief stint at La Rouge and longer at the Local but most of my experience was at Mr Smith‘s,” Duo said, “Before, you know,” he shrugged, “It burnt down.”

At that Quatre took a sharper look at Duo. “I think I recognise you,” he said slowly, “Duo?”

“Duo Maxwell,” he said, grinning hopefully. “White Russian, right?”

“Yes,” Quatre said, smiling. “You remembered,” he said thoughtfully. “That’s a good skill, if you remember a customer’s favourite drink. Makes a person feel special,” Quatre added, his eyes twinkling.

“Yeah. So. How about it?”

“I’ll have to check out your references but…” Quatre paused. “Mr Smith always hired the best.”

Duo nodded thankfully as Quatre took his resume and went upstairs. Duo took special attention to how Quatre moved in those sinfully tight trousers. How the man was not arrested for obscenity, Duo didn’t know.

Then Hilde bopped him on the head. “You dunce! You mentioned me! If you manage to stuff it up, you could get me fired as well.” She kept one eye on the stairs as she ranted at him while sweeping at the same time. It was quite the achievement.

“Relax, babe, I didn’t say it was you. And if this does pan out then you might get all the credit,” Duo assured her.

Hilde snorted, “Yeah. And maybe I’ll become an astronaut.”

“Could happen,” Duo said easily, taking in the entire night club by spinning around and -

Slamming into a stern man with impossibly beautiful eyes. He was in a suit and looked hot in a stuffy way.

“Ah, sorry man! Just it’s kind of beautiful, don’t you think?” Duo grinned and pointed to elaborate paintings on the roof where men and women cavorted. “Pity you probably can’t see this at night.”

“Hn,” grunted the man and pressed past him and ascended the stairs and disappeared in the same way Quatre Winner had.

“Who was that?” Duo asked, one hand clenching.

“I only started three weeks ago, Duo,” Hilde said, “All I know is that he was here on the night when those morons tried to blow up this place.” She bit her lip.

“Yeah,” Duo said, “Well, this is awkward. I don’t have to leave, but should before I get a shifty reputation for hanging around young nubile girls.”

“Ha! That would certainly end your sex life at least,” Hilde said, grinning.

fic: gw, fic: all

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