Title: The Night Club 3
Fandom: GW
Rating: PG
Characters (this chapter): Duo, Hilde, Rachid
2 ***
When Hilde came home Duo was dancing in the kitchen. “I got the job!” He yelled excitably, reaching out and twirling her around the kitchen. “Finally I’ll be able to pay you back for letting me stay with you for these past couple of months.”
“That’s great, Duo!” Hilde exclaimed, hugging Duo. “When do you start?”
“Tonight apparently. They’re testing me out tonight but on the phone Mr Winner said that I was on the top of his list,” Duo said, putting her down brushing past her into the living room. “Now… what to wear?” He held up two very similar black shirts. “It’s so hard to choose!”
Hilde giggled and sat on the sofa. “The one of the left. That shade of black brings out the colour of your eyes.”
Despite his happiness Duo was nervous about this opportunity. Ever since Mr Smith’s had burnt down with him losing his job, his life seemed to have only gone downhill. He had lost his apartment, had his bike totalled in an accident and been nearly killed in the accident.
Without Hilde’s generosity Duo didn’t know how he would have survived the last few months.
Smiling he leaned forward and hugged Hilde. “Thank you,” he said. Hilde was stiff for a moment before throwing her arms around him and squeezing him tight.
“No problem. I know you’d do the same for me,” she whispered into his ear. “I’m going to have a shower. You had better get ready. Don’t want to be late on your first night!”
Duo was led through the ropes of the business by a huge man who towered over everyone present. He had introduced himself as Rachid. Nothing more.
“I thought that Quatre Winner managed this place,” Duo had murmured.
Rachid had shaken his head. “Quatre owns this establishment and but I deal with the day to day running. Other than hiring, Quatre is very insistent on finding the right people for the job. However if you do not live up to this potential, it is my discretion on whether to keep you on.”
There was one element that surprised Duo: the sheer amount of security. He supposed that he shouldn’t have been surprised considering what had happened at Mr Smith’s three months ago and the almost bombing that had happened a couple of weeks ago. But still, it seemed a bit of an over kill.
By nine o’clock the music was pumping and there was a large of people dancing to the beat. Drinks were being served but Duo managed to keep up, always trying to have a smile on his face. While it had a different atmosphere than Mr Smith’s - far less camp for one - there didn’t seem to be any judgement when two men started kissing than if a man and a woman kissed. It was his kind of night club.
However the mood was utterly broken when the entrance was thrown open, spot lights were directed on the crowd and a person yelled, “Police!”
It was a raid, Duo thought with a sick feeling rising in his stomach.