Title: Like, Like Liking Fandom: GW Pairing: Quatre+Trowa, ensemble Rating: PG-13 Warnings: pure senseless fluff of the school!fic variety. Overuse of the word 'like'. Notes: written for challenge 252 of gw500 .
This is, like, so cyute. *face palms* I imagined a corny highschool romantic comedy movie when I read the scenes. XDD Ignore that.
Anyway, this is really adorable. I love the mentions, though repititive, "like" in so many contexts but still mean the same here. I also like the mention of Duo and Dorothy playing the nice friend, trying to keep a secret and Heero's contribution of being Duo's loyal love interest. XDDD Trowa, you sneaky, sneaky guy.
Comments 14
Anyway, this is really adorable. I love the mentions, though repititive, "like" in so many contexts but still mean the same here. I also like the mention of Duo and Dorothy playing the nice friend, trying to keep a secret and Heero's contribution of being Duo's loyal love interest. XDDD Trowa, you sneaky, sneaky guy.
Nice job! I actually laughed the whole way. ^^;
Trowa is ninja sneaky ;) and writing the characters was fun.
Thank you! I'm glad I made you laugh :DD
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