Title: Cradled by the Oak
Fandom: Narnia
Pairing: Bacchus/Edmund
Rating: R
Word Count: 2000+
Summary: Edmund has a headache.
Disclaimer: Not mine!
Notes: for the very dear,
forochel . Yes, you can totally blame her for making me write this *g* Pretty much pure pr0n, so enjoy!
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Comments 6
OH MY GOD, JEM. THIS IS SO HOT. D: And it's not even all that explicit! I love the attention to detail you have, all the details AROUND them, the descriptions.
/o\ And I understand how hard it is to think when you're writing porn (my head would combust if I actually used my brain when porning) but sometimes the tone of a sentence here or there doesn't fit, or a word doesn't fit into the ... um, epic sex. That is going on.
STILL. WINE THAT TASTES OF A KISS. My favourite line! ♥
THIS IS SO HOT. D: why the sadface? I'm terrible at writing explicit sex, so I tend not to write it. I guess practice makes perfect? Hee XD
Noted :DD In the distant future, when I pr0n again, I shall strive for pr0nier heights! I was trying to create an overwhelming experience and I guess I slipped into purple prose a tad >.>'
Glad you enjoyed!
PRACTICE WORKS! To a certain extent! And then you find yourself completely immune and disinterested in porn. Seriously, there was this dry spell when I just skipped past the porn bits in fics.
It's not the pronier heights, really! You did create a really overwhelming experience! Just tiny stylistic issues and diction here and there that jarred. A bit. Are you posting this on narnia_slash?
...*pities you* oh okay, sometimes I skip the porn. Cos some people write great, epic sort of fics and yet their romantic scenes are lacking. And I love a 100 000 word multi-parter as much as the next fangirl.
Oh okay. I'm really out of practice of writing, stupid university >.> degrading my skillz! (On the other hand, if had requested an essay on Bacchus/Edmund :P) Yep.
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