The sun has fallen behind the horizon. Slowly creeping darkness is taking its hold on the world, changing all that was once light and good to darkness and evil. Such has the night grasped my flesh, my mind, my soul. I am changing. My skin is thickening and my stance is slowly turning animal-like. My beast has come forth to pay homage to the moon. My tribute will be the bounty of the hunt or else my life with the moon will end. The scent is easily seen, though much has been done to mask it. I leap into the forest at full hunt and must use more than my eyes to navigate these trees. Pushing forward, moving closer. I can smell her scent even nearer to me now, this will soon be over. There! A clearing in the forest has revealed my destination, a small pond with a motionless surface. This is where she hides. But there is no sign of prey, and her trail has been lifted at the edge of the water. Fear has actually taken hold of me. And then, a small light begins growing beneath the water’s skin. Brighter and brighter it glows burning with the light of a thousand flames. It moves up and out of the water to reveal itself. In its penetration of the surface its glow becomes like the sun, pushing me down. A new change is coming over me now. One where my skin is becoming supple once more, where my body is my own, where my burdens of ten thousand lives have been lifted and taken by the sun. I have never felt this beautiful release before. I have never had a soul take my evil and change it into happiness. I have never been so prepared to walk into the light and let it take me for its own. I collapse. I collapse under the pain of receiving so much light, so much happiness, so much love. No longer in danger, your light dims to what mine eyes can take in. Your steps make no sound as your soul permits no gravity to control it. My angel now hovers, ready to take me, ready to show me my sins and bring a punishment that is just. You lean closer to my fragile body and take my hand in yours. The end is nigh. Your face moves like a soft breeze towards mine. Your lips glisten in the now dominant moonlight. What do they bring? Justice? Revenge? Love? I have resigned myself to my fate, and I shall embrace it willingly. Drawing all strength from my dying body, I bring myself closer to you. I draw a final breath from the air of this world. Your lips taste like life. Your lips taste like the first rains of spring, like fresh strawberries and memories of my youth. This is not death. This is not the end of my timeline. This is a new timeline. One with limitless joy in the embrace of my lover, my angel, my everything. I open my eyes to a clear day full of greens and blues and yellows. I feel life in me once again. My ability to see the serenity of life has been restored. And there you are, waiting by the edge of the forest. My flesh can barely contain smile. I will follow you, lover. I will follow you into this life. And I will follow you, lover, until my body has no more life. Even then, my soul will always be by your side.