Welly welly well, I'm still here.
Or back? I just thought that, after two years, I should check in again. I won't really play catch-up with you (fell in love with girl, broke up with bf, outing, new job, breaking up with gf, bla bla bla), this is just me giving in to a vague notion of wanting to update this more or less regularly again. I have a job, I'm healthy, I'm currently single and I spend most of my free time doing Doctor Who/Torchwood and Vampire Chronicles related online and real life stuff. (While I'm at it, Tim Burton announced at the SDCC that he'll do a film version of Dark Shadows with Johnny Depp. Can't wait to see that.)
I could delete some of the old entries, but I think my instinct of safe-keeping things that have happened (good or bad) overweighs my slight embarassment (not at the fanfiction though, even if I never finished that, I'm still proud of trying it at all). And who knows, maybe I'll find the time to write some fanfic or *gasp* original material soon? I've got some ideas for Captain Jack post CoE one-shots and through online rpg I've got a nice small cast of original characters now...
Still, at the moment I use those bits of truly spare time that I have to catch up on my reading (just finished re-reading Queen of the Damned and started the three new Torchwood novels, and got Gaiman's American Gods to look forward to as well) and improve my almost non-existant guitar playing skills. (No, really.. I started about one year ago, but I suck big times at picking... I can strum and change between the basic chords though.)
What else is moving me right now... Muse have released a first song from their upcoming album, and it's somewhere between kick-ass amazing and slightly embarassing (they admitted they tend to laugh at its OTT-ness themselves). Also, it's got a bit of Chopin's nocturne at the end, which isn't as wonderful as original material would be, but is still beautiful of course (come on, it's Chopin played by Matt Bellamy!):
Click to view
Also, if you haven't checked it out yet, you should take a look at the wonderful recaps AfterElton are doing of Torchwood CoE:
http://www.afterelton.com/taxonomy/term/3630 Children of Earth struck me very hard when I watched it first (oh RTD, how I cursed you), but I've made my peace with it. And those recaps are really excellent.
So... that's it from me for now, writing from the office on a sloooow friday. Maybe someone who still has me on their friend list will read this. ;)
Over and out,