Title: With Bloodstained Hands (Justice is Done)
Author: beccadearie
Prompt Number: 17
Rating: NC-17 for Violence, Disturbing scenes, and Scenes of a sexual nature
Characters/Pairings: Merlin/Arthur, Gwen/Lance
Warnings: Disturbing scenes like WOAH, Violence, Serial killing, Character death, Age difference, Exhibitionism, Barebacking, Rimming, Crossdressing, D/s overtones, Implied non-con (not M/A), Homophobia, Mild domestic abuse, Some scenes that could be interpreted as dub-con, Rough sex
Summary: This time Arthur's secret is bigger than Merlin's. No need to let the whole world in on it. At least that's the plan. But plans don't always work out the way you want them to.
Notes: Much love and thanks to MJ, who was my cheerleader and trusty beta throughout the process. I couldn't have done it without her! Also lots of hugs and thanks to everyone who looked this over: Chelsea, Lizzy, and Jaden. You guys rock! :D
I had way too much fun writing this than I should have...