30 Day TV Meme : Day 29

Jun 11, 2010 14:00

Day 29:

Current TV Show Obsession.


See how much I love this show? I USED 72 CAPS!! o.O

This show started off okay. Really I was just watching for Joel McHale. It was funny, but the Jeff/Britta dynamic was pretty annoying.. B/C Britta was really annoying. But about 1/3 of the way through the season, I started to love her. And then there was Debate 109.. And Jeff/Annie. Which is basically the best thing ever to happen to television. As the season went on it just kept getting better and better. Sure, some plot-lines were weak or even annoying, but that's going to happen in any show. And usually something else in the episode would make up for it *coughjoelsarmscough*.

Have some awesome Abed!

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(lj) 30 days of tv, (tv) greendale

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