What Does the Challenge Entail Exactly?
The Yule Tide Exchange Challenge will be done in conjuction with
Kink Me, Merlin! This challenge will also be done anonymously, and will be asked to use a two word code name
generated by the following website. Hopefully this will encourage participants to try out new kinks, and to avoid any unwanted stigma if a participant is unable to complete their assignment.
Note: any participant that can not complete their fill are expected to inform the mod prior to the submission due date, in order to allow enough time for a pinch hitter to take up the task. A separate sign up sheet will be posted on November 7th 2011 for pinch hitters. Extentions will also be granted if need be. However, a participant must be certain that he or she will be able to complete their fill, seeing as extentions will be take place during the 10 days buffer zone set aside for the pinch hitters. Extentions will be granted no later than December 4th 2011, and the assignment is expected no later than December 14th 2011.
Sign ups will also be screened.
Participants will be asked to submit four KMM prompts they would like to see filled. These can be any prompts as long as long as they belong prior to KMM 26. In addition to this, participants are to detail the kind of kinks they would like to fill, and those they would not (keep in mind the
Comm Rules). No bashing, or negative comments on any particular kink are to be found in the submission posts, e.g: Kink X is disgusting! I absolutly loathe Pairing Y, ect. Preffered pairing, side pairing, media, ect. are also expected to be listed. Participants are strongly encouraged to use the following submission form:
- Prompt 1:
- Prompt 2:
- Prompt 3:
- Prompt 4:
- I would prefer to receive my fill in the following media:
- I would prefer to fill a prompt in the following media:
- Kinks I would like to receive:
- Kinks I would not like to receive:
Remember to include the prompt link when copy/pasting your prompts.
What Do I Get Out of This?
At the end of the challenge, participants and other users will be able to vote on their favorite fill. A category for Favorite Fic, Favorite Artwork, and Favorite Vid will be aloted. Any other categories, such as Best Fill For Pairing X will rely solely on the popularity of the pairing. If 2 partipants or more ask for this pairing, it will be included in the poll, otherwise it will not be included. This is simply because it would not be fair to participants who won the top spot against five other fills for Pairing X, if a participant who created the only fill for Pairing Y was also awarded.
Note: This policy will also be in effect for any media category that only receives one fill.
Beside the amazing feeling of filling a prompt for someone, and receiving one in the process? The winner of every category will receive a personalized banner.
A Yule Tide Exchange Challenge? Isn't it a bit early for Father Christmas?
Yes. Yes it is. However, being as this is For the Love of Camelot's first challenge, I wanted to give enough time for the word to spread around first.
As such, sign ups will remain open for two weeks prior to closing. Here is a timeline for the challenge itself:
- Sign ups open on October 18th 2011
- Sign ups close on November 1st 2011
- Assignments will be posted on November 5th 2011
- Submissions are due on December 5th 2011
- Fills will be posted on December 15th 2011
- Voting will open on December 20th 2011
- Voting will close on December 31st 2011
- All winners will be announced on January 21st 2011
- Prizes for said winners will be distributed by January 30th 2011
Note: Assignments will be posted on a separate entry on the indicated date. Another entry will also be dedicated for the submissions (this will be screened also). Do not post your submissions directly on the KMM Meme, seeing as every fill is to be unveiled on the same day. This will also allow the voting process to be fair, since every fill will get the same amount of time to garner attention.
Any inquiry about this challenge is to be asked on this post. The questions will be unscreened and answered. To all participants, enjoy the challenge!